رہنمائے میڈیاویکی اےپی‌آئی

ذیل میں میڈیاویکی اےپی‌آئی کی دستاویزی تفصیلات درج ہیں جو خودکار طور پر لکھی گئی ہیں۔

دستاویز اور مثالوں کے لیے ملاحظہ فرمائیں: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/API:Main_page

list=allimages (ai)

(main | query | allimages)
  • اس ماڈیول کے لیے اختیارات مطالعہ درکار ہیں۔
  • اس ماڈیول کو جنریٹر کے طور پر استعمال کیا جا سکتا ہے۔
  • ماخذ: MediaWiki
  • اجازت نامہ: GPL-2.0-or-later

Enumerate all images sequentially.

مخصوص پیرامیٹر:
دیگر عمومی پیرامیٹر دستیاب ہیں۔

Property to sort by.

ذیل کی قدروں میں سے کوئی ایک: name، timestamp
طے شدہ: name

The direction in which to list.

ذیل کی قدروں میں سے کوئی ایک: ascending، descending، newer، older
طے شدہ: ascending

The image title to start enumerating from. Can only be used with aisort=name.


The image title to stop enumerating at. Can only be used with aisort=name.


When more results are available, use this to continue. More detailed information on how to continue queries can be found on mediawiki.org.


The timestamp to start enumerating from. Can only be used with aisort=timestamp.

Type: timestamp (allowed formats)

The timestamp to end enumerating. Can only be used with aisort=timestamp.

Type: timestamp (allowed formats)

Which file information to get:

Adds timestamp for the uploaded version.
Adds the user who uploaded each file version. If the user has been revision deleted, a userhidden property will be returned.
Add the ID of the user that uploaded each file version. If the user has been revision deleted, a userhidden property will be returned.
Comment on the version. If the comment has been revision deleted, a commenthidden property will be returned.
Parse the comment on the version. If the comment has been revision deleted, a commenthidden property will be returned.
Adds the canonical title of the file. If the file has been revision deleted, a filehidden property will be returned.
Gives URL to the file and the description page. If the file has been revision deleted, a filehidden property will be returned.
Adds the size of the file in bytes and the height, width and page count (if applicable).
Alias for size.
Adds SHA-1 hash for the file. If the file has been revision deleted, a filehidden property will be returned.
Adds MIME type of the file. If the file has been revision deleted, a filehidden property will be returned.
Adds the media type of the file. If the file has been revision deleted, a filehidden property will be returned.
Lists Exif metadata for the version of the file. If the file has been revision deleted, a filehidden property will be returned.
Lists file format generic metadata for the version of the file. If the file has been revision deleted, a filehidden property will be returned.
Lists formatted metadata combined from multiple sources. Results are HTML formatted. If the file has been revision deleted, a filehidden property will be returned.
Adds the bit depth of the version. If the file has been revision deleted, a filehidden property will be returned.
Adds whether the file is on the MediaWiki:Bad image list
قدریں (| سے امتیاز کیا گیا ہے یا متبادل): badfile، bitdepth، canonicaltitle، comment، commonmetadata، dimensions، extmetadata، mediatype، metadata، mime، parsedcomment، sha1، size، timestamp، url، user، userid
طے شدہ: timestamp|url

Search for all image titles that begin with this value. Can only be used with aisort=name.


Limit to images with at least this many bytes.

Type: integer

Limit to images with at most this many bytes.

Type: integer

SHA1 hash of image. Overrides aisha1base36.


SHA1 hash of image in base 36 (used in MediaWiki).


Only return files where the last version was uploaded by this user. Can only be used with aisort=timestamp. Cannot be used together with aifilterbots.

طرز: صارف، بذریعہ صارف نام، آئی پی، عارضی صارف، بین الویکی نام (مثلاً "سابقہ>کوئی نام") اور صارف کا شناختی نمبر (مثلاً "#12345")

How to filter files uploaded by bots. Can only be used with aisort=timestamp. Cannot be used together with aiuser.

ذیل کی قدروں میں سے کوئی ایک: all، bots، nobots
طے شدہ: all

Disabled due to miser mode.

Separate values with | or alternative.
Maximum number of values is 50 (500 for clients that are allowed higher limits).

How many images in total to return.

طرز: عدد صحیح یا max
The value must be between 1 and 500.
طے شدہ: 10