"نوبل انعام یافتہ مسلمان شخصیات کی فہرست" کے نسخوں کے درمیان فرق

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سطر 54:
|{{flagicon|BAN}} [[بنگلہ دیش]]i [[economist]] and founder of [[گرامین بینک]].
| The 2006 [[نوبل امن انعام]] was jointly awarded to Yunus and Grameen Bank "for their efforts to create economic and social development from below".<ref>[http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/2006/]"The Nobel Peace Prize 2006", [[نوبل فاونڈیشن]],retrieved March 24, 2012.</ref>
|The first Bangladeshi and Bengali Muslim Nobel laureate, and overall, the third person from [[بنگال]] to win a Nobel prize.<ref name="Muslim Nobel Prize Winners">[http://www.islamichistorymonth.com/education/nobel.php] {{wayback|url=http://www.islamichistorymonth.com/education/nobel.php |date=20120106040535 }} "[[مسلمان]] [[نوبل انعام حاصل کرنے والوں کی فہرست]]", 'Islamic History Month [[کینیڈا]]' accessed March 24, 2012</ref><ref>[http://dawn.com/2011/04/06/yunus-martyred-bangladesh-marred/]"Yunus martyred, Bangladesh marred" by 'Misha Hussain', [[ڈان|Dawn.com]],April 6, 2011, retrieved April 7, 2012.<br/>
"''a Bengali and a Muslim''"</ref><ref>[http://www.inspiringislam.net/2011/03/muhammad-yunus-ways.html] {{wayback|url=http://www.inspiringislam.net/2011/03/muhammad-yunus-ways.html |date=20140809054421 }} "[[محمد یونس]] Ways", 'Islamic Inspiration', published March 27, 2011, retrieved March 24, 2012.<br/>
"''he is a Muslim''"</ref><ref>[http://www.rohama.org/en/content/116]'Muhammad Yunus (1940- )', [[Union of Islamic World Students|The Union of Islamic World Students]],retrieved April 5, 2012,'a devout muslim'</ref><ref>[http://www.nndb.com/people/183/000049036/]'Muhammad Yunus', [[NNDB]],retrieved April 5, 2012.'Muslim'</ref><ref>[http://www.questioningchristian.com/2006/10/microcredit_pio.html]"Microcredit pioneer wins Nobel Peace Prize — and puts Episcopalian- and Anglican combatants to shame",''The Questioning Christian'', dated October 13, 2006, retrieved April 5, 2012.</ref><ref>[http://www.bankersacademy.com/pdf/microfinance_and_islamic_finance.pdf], [[خرد مالیہ]] and [[اسلامی بنکاری|Islamic Finance]] - A Perfect Match by '''Dr. Linda Eagle''', accessed March 24, 2012.