"نوبل انعام یافتہ مسلمان شخصیات کی فہرست" کے نسخوں کے درمیان فرق
حذف شدہ مندرجات اضافہ شدہ مندرجات
15 مآخذ کو بحال کرکے 0 پر مردہ ربط کا ٹیگ لگایا گیا) #IABot (v2.0.8.5 |
16 مآخذ کو بحال کرکے 0 پر مردہ ربط کا ٹیگ لگایا گیا) #IABot (v2.0.8.6 |
سطر 16:
|{{flagicon|EGY}} [[مصر]]ian [[صدر جمہوریہ]]
|He, along with [[مناخم بیگن]] was awarded 1978 [[نوبل امن انعام]] "for their contribution to the two frame agreements on peace in the Middle East, and on peace between Egypt and Israel, which were signed at Camp David on September 17, 1978".<ref>[http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1978/press.html]"The Nobel Peace Prize 1978", [[نوبل فاونڈیشن]],retrieved March 24, 2012.</ref>
| The first Muslim to receive a Nobel Prize.<ref name="Muslim Nobel Prize Winners"/><ref>[http://www.answers.com/topic/anwar-al-sadat] 'Answer.com' article on [[انور سادات]], retrieved March 24, 2012.</ref><ref>[http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1978/al-sadat-lecture.html]'Nobel Lecture, December 10, 1978' by [[انور سادات]], [[نوبل فاونڈیشن]],retrieved April 5, 2012.</ref><ref>[http://meria.idc.ac.il/journal/2006/issue3/jv10no3a7.html] {{wayback|url=http://meria.idc.ac.il/journal/2006/issue3/jv10no3a7.html |date=20120119045843 }}"The [[Islamization]] Of [[مصر]]" by ''Adel Guindy'',retrieved April 7, 2012.<br/>
:'''Sadat's famous slogan, "I am a Muslim president of a Muslim state" '</ref><ref>[http://copticliterature.wordpress.com/2012/03/30/anwar-al-sadat-the-first-islamist-ruler-in-egypts-modern-history/]"[[انور سادات|Anwar Al-Sadat]], The First [[سیاست اسلامیہ]] Ruler In [[مصر|Egypt's]] [[دنیا کی تاریخ]]", '''Coptic Nationalism''',posted March 30, 2012, retrieved April 7, 2012.
:"''The Pope must understand that I am a Muslim President of a Muslim State''"