"کثیر الاسمی" کے نسخوں کے درمیان فرق

حذف شدہ مندرجات اضافہ شدہ مندرجات
م bot: removed {{Link GA}}, it is now given by wikidata
م ←‏نگار خانہ: clean up, replaced: ← using AWB
سطر 10:
File:Polynomialdeg2.svg|<!--Polynomial of degree 2:<br><small>{{math|''f''(''x'') {{=}} ''x''<sup>2</sup> &minus; ''x'' &minus; 2}}<br>{{math|{{=}} (''x'' + 1)(''x'' &minus; 2)}}</small>-->
File:Polynomialdeg3.svg|<!--Polynomial of degree 3:<br><small>{{math|''f''(''x'') {{=}} ''x''<sup>3</sup>/4 + 3''x''<sup>2</sup>/4 &minus; 3''x''/2 &minus; 2}}<br>{{math|{{=}} 1/4 (''x'' + 4)(''x'' + 1)(''x'' &minus; 2)}}</small>-->
File:Polynomialdeg4.svg|<!--Polynomial of degree 4:<br><small>{{math|''f''(''x'') {{=}} 1/14 (''x'' + 4)(''x'' + 1)(''x'' &minus; 1)(''x'' &minus; 3) + 0.5}}</small>-->
File:Polynomialdeg5.svg|<!--Polynomial of degree 5:<br><small>{{math|''f''(''x'') {{=}} 1/20 (''x'' + 4)(''x'' + 2)(''x'' + 1 )(''x'' &minus; 1)(''x'' &minus; 3)}}<br>{{math|+ 2}}</small>-->