"راکھائن ریاست" کے نسخوں کے درمیان فرق

حذف شدہ مندرجات اضافہ شدہ مندرجات
سطر 64:
{{Pie chart
|thumb = right
|caption = Religionراکھائن inمیں Rakhineمذہب(2015)<ref name="TUR">{{cite book | url=https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B067GBtstE5TSl9FNElRRGtvMUk | title=The 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census Census Report Volume 2-C | publisher=Department of Population Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population MYANMAR | author=Department of Population Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population MYANMAR | year=July 2016 | pages=12-15}}</ref>
|title =
|label1 = Buddhismبدھ مت
|value1 = 52.2
|color1 = Yellow
|label2 = Islamاسلام
|value2 = 42.7
|color2 = Green
|label3 = Christianityمسیحیت
|value3 = 1.8
|color3 = DodgerBlue
|label4 = Hinduismہندو مت
|value4 = 0.5
|color4 = orange
|label5= Animismنسمیت
|value5 = 0.1
|color5 = GreenYellow
|label6 = Othersدیگر
|value6 = 2.7
|color6 = gray}}