"اسلام" کے نسخوں کے درمیان فرق

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18 مآخذ کو بحال کرکے 0 پر مردہ ربط کا ٹیگ لگایا گیا) #IABot (v2.0.8
(ٹیگ: ردِّ ترمیم)
Add 3 books for verifiability (20210503)) #IABot (v2.0.8) (GreenC bot
(ٹیگ: ردِّ ترمیم)
سطر 166:
* {{Cite book| last=Ahmed | first=Akbar | title=Islam Today: A Short Introduction to the Muslim World | publisher=I. B. Tauris | edition=2.00 | year=1999 | isbn=978-1-86064-257-9 | ref=harv}}
* {{Cite book| publisher = Continuum International Publishing Group| isbn = 978-0-8264-9944-8| last = Bennett| first = Clinton |authorlink= Clinton Bennett| title = Interpreting the Qur'an: a guide for the uninitiated| year = 2010| page=101 | ref=harv}}
* {{Cite book| last=Brockopp | first=Jonathan E. | title=Islamic Ethics of Life: abortion, war and euthanasia | url=https://archive.org/details/islamicethicsofl0000unse | publisher=University of South Carolina press | year=2003 | isbn=1-57003-471-0 | ref=harv}}
* {{Cite book| last=Cohen-Mor | first=Dalya | title=A Matter of Fate: The Concept of Fate in the Arab World as Reflected in Modern Arabic Literature | url=https://archive.org/details/matteroffateconc0000cohe | publisher=Oxford University Press | year=2001 | isbn=0-19-513398-6 | ref=harv}}
* {{Cite book| last=Curtis | first=Patricia A. | year=2005 | title=A Guide to Food Laws and Regulations | url=https://archive.org/details/guidetofoodlawsr0000curt | publisher=Blackwell Publishing Professional | isbn=978-0-8138-1946-4 | ref=harv}}
* {{Cite book| last=Esposito | first=John | authorlink = John Esposito | title=Islam: The Straight Path | publisher=Oxford University Press | year=2010 | edition=4th | isbn=978-0-19-539600-3 | ref=harv}}
سطر 192:
* {{Cite book| last=Kobeisy | first=Ahmed Nezar | title=Counseling American Muslims: Understanding the Faith and Helping the People | publisher=Praeger Publishers | year=2004 | isbn=978-0-313-32472-7 | ref=harv}}
* {{Cite book| last=Kramer | first=Martin | title=Shi'Ism, Resistance, and Revolution | publisher=Westview Press | year=1987 | isbn=978-0-8133-0453-3 | ref=harv}}
* {{Cite book| last=Lapidus| first=Ira | title=A History of Islamic Societies | url=https://archive.org/details/historyofislamic0000lapi_t2d2| publisher=Cambridge University Press | year=2002 | edition=2nd | isbn=978-0-521-77933-3 | ref=harv}}
* {{Cite book| last=Lewis | first=Bernard | authorlink=Bernard Lewis| title=The Jews of Islam | publisher=Routledge & Kegan Paul | year=1984 | isbn=0-7102-0462-0 | ref=harv}}
* {{Cite book| last=Lewis | first=Bernard | title=The Arabs in History | publisher=Oxford University Press | year=1993 | isbn=0-19-285258-2 | ref=harv}}