"ہلکی ریل" کے نسخوں کے درمیان فرق

حذف شدہ مندرجات اضافہ شدہ مندرجات
م درستی
1 مآخذ کو بحال کرکے 0 پر مردہ ربط کا ٹیگ لگایا گیا) #IABot (v2.0.7
سطر 9:
* [http://www.lightrailnow.org/ Light Rail Now!] (US) A pro-light rail web site, opposing monorails, Bus Rapid Transit (busways), and other less common transportation systems
* [http://www.lightrail.nl/ Light Rail Netherlands] (NL) in English, Nederlands, Русский, Deutsch, Français, Español
* [http://www.apta.com/resources/reportsandpublications/Documents/light_rail_bro.pdf "This Is Light Rail Transit"] {{توثیق ویب|url=https://www.webcitation.org/6xOvvVrJu?url=http://www.apta.com/resources/reportsandpublications/Documents/light_rail_bro.pdf |date=20180221165610 |dateformat=iso }} (PDF) brochure by the [[American Public Transportation Association]] (APTA) (2000; updated 2003)
* [http://www.tramwaysdumonde.net/ Photo gallery of the world's light rail]