"خواتین کا حق رائے دہی" کے نسخوں کے درمیان فرق
حذف شدہ مندرجات اضافہ شدہ مندرجات
2 مآخذ کو بحال کرکے 0 پر مردہ ربط کا ٹیگ لگایا گیا) #IABot (v2.0.8 |
3 مآخذ کو بحال کرکے 0 پر مردہ ربط کا ٹیگ لگایا گیا) #IABot (v2.0.8.5 |
سطر 49:
* [http://www.old-picture.com/womens-suffrage-index-001.htm Photographs of U.S. suffragettes, marches, and demonstrations]
* [http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/WI.AJames Ada James papers and correspondence (1915–1918)]—a digital collection presented by the [http://uwdc.library.wisc.edu/ University of Wisconsin Digital Collections Center]۔ [[Ada James|Ada James (1876–1952)]] was a leading a social reformer, humanitarian, and pacifist from [[رچلینڈ سینٹر، وسکونسن|Richland Center]]، Wisconsin and daughter of [[State Senator|state senator]] David G. James. The Ada James papers document the grass roots organizing and politics required to promote and guarantee the passage of women's suffrage in Wisconsin and beyond.
* [http://www.lwl.org/westfaelische-geschichte/portal/Internet/ku.php?tab=web&ID=600 Women´s suffrage in Germany] {{wayback|url=http://www.lwl.org/westfaelische-geschichte/portal/Internet/ku.php?tab=web&ID=600 |date=20190918160254 }}—19 جنوری 1919—first suffrage (active and passive) for women in Germany
* [http://coolbeanscool.blogspot.com/2003/09/suffragists-vs-suffragettes.html Suffragists vs. Suffragettes]—brief article outlining origins of term "suffragette"، usage of term and links to other sources.
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20100924004311/http://womenincongress.house.gov/ Women in Congress]—Information about women who have served in the U.S. Congress including historical essays that cover suffrage.