"فیروزہ بیگم (اداکارہ)" کے نسخوں کے درمیان فرق
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JarBot (تبادلۂ خیال | شراکتیں) |
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سطر 24:
{{Reflist|refs=<ref name=jr1>{{cite news |last1=Ginsburg |first1=Aimee |title=From Bollywood to the Sands of Jerusalem |work=The Jerusalem Report |date=17 April 2006}}</ref>
<ref name=bmn1>
<ref name=nm1>{{cite web |title=Jewish women were Indian cinema's first actresses |url=http://www.thenewsminute.com/article/jewish-women-were-indian-cinemas-first-actresses-38334 |website=thenewsminute.com |accessdate=27 June 2016}}</ref>