"قدیم مصر کے سلاسل شاہی کی فہرست" کے نسخوں کے درمیان فرق
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سطر 3,330:
* [http://www.narmer.pl/dyn/00en.htm Chronology Table - 0 Dynasty]&[https://web.archive.org/web/20070630005736/http://www.narmer.pl/main/chr_his_en.htm History Period, by Dariusz Sitek] Multi-pages of list of pharaohs in different king lists, without the god kings, in Egyptian hieroglyphs and English
* [http://www.phouka.com/pharaoh/egypt/history/00kinglists.html Egyptian Journey 2003: History: King Lists] Hyperlink texts of the Manetho, Abydos & Turin king lists, without the god-kings
* [https://pharaoh.se/comparing-the-kinglists Comparing the major Egyptian king lists] {{wayback|url=https://pharaoh.se/comparing-the-kinglists |date=20231020011405 }} Compares the Karnak, Adydos and Saqqara king lists
* [http://www.digitalegypt.ucl.ac.uk/Welcome.html Digital Egypt for Universities]
* [http://www.ancientnile.co.uk/pharaohs-women.php List of all female Pharaohs]