"تمباکو نوشی کی قانونی عمر" کے نسخوں کے درمیان فرق

حذف شدہ مندرجات اضافہ شدہ مندرجات
1 مآخذ کو بحال کرکے 0 پر مردہ ربط کا ٹیگ لگایا گیا) #IABot (v2.0.9.5
3 مآخذ کو بحال کرکے 0 پر مردہ ربط کا ٹیگ لگایا گیا) #IABot (v2.0.9.5
سطر 41:
| align=center | کوئی نہیں
| align=center | 18
| <ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.tobaccocontrollaws.org/files/live/Burkina%20Faso/Burkina%20Faso%20-%20Law%20No.%20040-2010.pdf |title=Law No. 040-2010/Concerning Tobacco Control in Burkina Faso <sup>(as promulgated by Decree N° 2010-823) Article 23</sup> |date=25 November 2011 |website=tobaccocontrollaws.org |page=9 |publisher=National Assembly of Burkina Faso |access-date=2 June 2015 |تاريخ-الأرشيف=2023-03-26 |مسار-الأرشيف=https://web.archive.org/web/20230326030142/http://www.tobaccocontrollaws.org/files/live/Burkina%20Faso/Burkina%20Faso%20-%20Law%20No.%20040-2010.pdf |url-status=dead }}</ref>
| {{پرچم|Burundi}}
سطر 76:
| {{پرچم|Democratic Republic of the Congo}}
| colspan=2 style="text-align:center;"| 18
| It is illegal for minors to smoke in public, and for anyone to give or sell tobacco to a minor.<br />(''Arrete Ministeriel<sup>N°1250</sup> Article 1: L'usage, la vente, l'achat et la consommation du tabac, de ses produits et de ses dérivés sont strictement interdits aux mineurs.'')<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.tobaccocontrollaws.org/files/live/Democratic%20Republic%20of%20the%20Congo/Democratic%20Republic%20of%20the%20Congo%20-%20No.%201250%20-%20national.pdf |title=Arrete Ministeriel N°1250 <sup>/CAB/MIN/SP/~f.:/A0/2007 DU, /l~./07/2007 Portant Mesures Applicables a L'Usage et a La Consommation du Tabac et Ses Derives Article 1.</sup> |date=19 July 2007 |language=fr |website=tobaccocontrollaws.org |page=2 |publisher=Le Ministre de La Sante Publique |access-date=3 June 2015 |تاريخ-الأرشيف=2023-03-26 |مسار-الأرشيف=https://web.archive.org/web/20230326030212/http://www.tobaccocontrollaws.org/files/live/Democratic%20Republic%20of%20the%20Congo/Democratic%20Republic%20of%20the%20Congo%20-%20No.%201250%20-%20national.pdf |url-status=dead }}</ref>
| {{پرچم|Djibouti}}
سطر 395:
| align=center | کوئی نہیں
| align=center | 18
| Tobacco products may not be sold to minors. Wholesale or retail vendors of products shall have the obligation, at their own expense, to display posters that are visible, clear and prominently placed on the inside of places of sale, stating that the sale of tobacco products to minors is prohibited.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.tobaccocontrollaws.org/files/live/Costa%20Rica/Costa%20Rica%20-%20TC%20Law%20No.%209028.pdf |title=Law Nº 9028 General Law for the Control of Tobacco and Its Harmful Effects on Health <sup>ARTICLE 16.- Regulation of the sale and provision of tobacco products in particular places and spaces</sup> |website=tobaccocontrollaws.org |page=10 |publisher=Government of Costa Rica |access-date=25 May 2015 |تاريخ-الأرشيف=2023-09-28 |مسار-الأرشيف=https://web.archive.org/web/20230928143551/https://www.tobaccocontrollaws.org/files/live/Costa%20Rica/Costa%20Rica%20-%20TC%20Law%20No.%209028.pdf |url-status=dead }}</ref>
| {{پرچم|Cuba}}