سانچہ:Cascade-protected template

اسلوب حوالہ 1 کے سانچے
{{حوالہ آرخائیو}}آرخائیو پرنٹ کے حوالوں کے لیے
{{حوالہ سمعی بصری ذرائع}}سمعی و بصری
{{حوالہ تسجیلات}}صوتی تسجیلات کے حوالوں کے لیے
{{حوالہ کتاب}}کتابوں کے حوالوں کے لیے
{{حوالہ کانفرنس}}کانفرنس میں پڑھے جانے والے مقامات کے لیے
{{حوالہ موسوعہ}}دائرۃ المعارف کے حوالوں کے لیے
{{حوالہ قسط}}ریڈیو یا ٹیلی ویژن کے قسط وار پروگراموں کے حوالوں کے لیے
{{حوالہ انٹرویو}}انٹرویو کے حوالوں کے لیے
{{حوالہ رسالہ}}مجلات و جرائد میں شائع ہونے والے مقالات کے حوالوں کے لیے
{{حوالہ ڈاک فہرست}}عوامی طور پر بھیجی جانے والی ڈاک فہرست کے حوالوں کے لیے
{{حوالہ نقشہ}}نقشوں کے حوالوں کے لیے
{{حوالہ خبر}}اخباری مضامین کے حوالوں کے لیے
{{حوالہ نیوز گروپ}}آن لائن موجود نیوز گروپوں کے حوالوں کے لیے
{{حوالہ پوڈکاسٹ}}پوڈکاسٹ کے حوالوں کے لیے
{{حوالہ پریس ریلیز}}پریس ریلیز کے حوالوں کے لیے
{{حوالہ روداد}}متفرق رودادوں اور مختلف رپورٹوں کے حوالوں کے لیے
{{حوالہ سیریل}}ٹیلی ویژن سیریلوں کے حوالوں کے لیے
{{حوالہ نشان}}نشانات، الواح اور تختیوں کے حوالوں کے لیے
{{حوالہ تقریر}}تقریروں کے حوالوں کے لیے
{{حوالہ تکنیکی روداد}}تکنیکی رودادوں کے حوالوں کے لیے
{{حوالہ مقالہ}}کسی ڈگری کے حصول کے لیے تیار کردہ مقالات کے حوالوں کے لیے
{{حوالہ ویب}}ویب مراجع کے لیے

اس اسلوب حوالہ 1 سانچے کو citations articles or chapters in edited collections such as encyclopedias and dictionaries, but more generally any book or book series containing individual sections or chapters written by various authors, and put together by one or more editors تخلیق کرنے کے لیے استعمال کریں۔ However, it is not intended for journals or magazines, which are issued periodically and have volume and (usually) issue numbers, and should be cited with {{Cite journal}} or {{Cite magazine}}; nor is it intended for conference proceedings, which should be cited with {{Cite conference}}.

Some citations to tertiary sources such as encyclopedias are problematic; see Wikipedia:Identifying and using tertiary sources.

Copy a blank version to use. All parameter names must be in lowercase. Use the "|" (pipe) character between each parameter. Delete unused parameters to avoid clutter in the edit window. Some samples may include the current date. If the date is not current, then purge the page.

Most commonly used parameters in horizontal format
To cite an encyclopedia article with a credited author
{{cite encyclopedia |last= |first= |date= |title= |url= |encyclopedia= |location= |publisher= |access-date=}}
To cite an encyclopedia article with no credited author
{{cite encyclopedia |author=<!-- not stated --> |date= |title= |url= |encyclopedia= |location= |publisher= |access-date=}}
To cite an online encyclopedia article that has been archived
{{cite encyclopedia |last= |first= |date= |title= |url= |encyclopedia= |location= |publisher= |url-status= |archive-url= |archive-date= |access-date=}}
To cite an encyclopedia article written in a foreign language
{{cite encyclopedia |last= |first= |date= |title= |url= |trans-title= |encyclopedia= |language= |location= |publisher= |access-date=}}
To cite and quote an archived, two-author, foreign language encyclopedia article re-published as a PDF on an information aggregation service requiring a subscription
{{cite encyclopedia |last1= |first1= |last2= |first2= |date= |title= |url= |url-access= |trans-title= |format= |encyclopedia= |language= |location= |publisher= |url-status= |archive-url= |archive-date= |access-date= |via= |quote=}}

Full parameter set in horizontal format
{{cite encyclopedia |last1= |first1= |author-link1= |last2= |first2= |author-link2= |display-authors= |author-mask1= |author-mask2= |collaboration= |df= |date= |year= |orig-date= |orig-year= |chapter= |script-chapter= |chapter-url= |chapter-url-access= |trans-chapter= |chapter-format= |location= |editor-last1= |editor-first1= |editor-link1= |editor-last2= |editor-first2= |editor-link2= |display-editors= |editor-mask1= |editor-mask2= |title= |script-title= |title-link= |url= |url-access= |trans-title= |format= |encyclopedia= |script-encyclopedia= |trans-encyclopedia= |department= |type= |series= |language= |volume= |interviewer-last1= |interviewer-first1= |interviewer-link1= |interviewer-last2= |interviewer-first2= |interviewer-link2= |display-interviewers= |interviewer-mask1= |interviewer-mask2= |translator-last1= |translator-first1= |translator-link1= |translator-last2= |translator-first2= |translator-link2= |display-translators= |translator-mask1= |translator-mask2= |others= |name-list-style= |edition= |publication-place= |publisher= |publication-date= |minutes= |time-caption= |time= |page= |pages= |at= |no-pp= |arxiv= |asin= |asin-tld= |bibcode= |bibcode-access= |biorxiv= |citeseerx= |doi= |doi-access= |doi-broken-date= |eissn= |hdl= |hdl-access= |isbn= |ismn= |issn= |jfm= |jstor= |jstor-access= |lccn= |medrxiv= |mr= |oclc= |ol= |ol-access= |osti= |osti-access= |pmc= |pmc-embargo-date= |pmid= |rfc= |sbn= |ssrn= |s2cid= |s2cid-access= |zbl= |id= |url-status= |archive-url= |archive-format= |archive-date= |access-date= |via= |quote-page= |quote-pages= |quote= |script-quote= |trans-quote= |mode= |ref= |postscript=}}

عمودی شکل میں سب سے زیادہ استعمال کے پیرامیٹرز
To cite an encyclopedia article with a credited author
{{cite encyclopedia
|last         = 
|first        = 
|date         = 
|title        = 
|url          = 
|encyclopedia = 
|location     = 
|publisher    = 
|access-date  = 
To cite an encyclopedia article with no credited author
{{cite encyclopedia
|author       = <!-- not stated -->
|date         = 
|title        = 
|url          = 
|encyclopedia = 
|location     = 
|publisher    = 
|access-date  = 
To cite an online encyclopedia article that has been archived
{{cite encyclopedia
|last         = 
|first        = 
|date         = 
|title        = 
|url          = 
|encyclopedia = 
|location     = 
|publisher    = 
|url-status   = 
|archive-url  = 
|archive-date = 
|access-date  = 
To cite an encyclopedia article written in a foreign language
{{cite encyclopedia
|last         = 
|first        = 
|date         = 
|title        = 
|url          = 
|trans-title  = 
|encyclopedia = 
|language     = 
|location     = 
|publisher    = 
|access-date  = 
To cite and quote an archived, two-author, foreign language encyclopedia article re-published as a PDF on an information aggregation service requiring a subscription
{{cite encyclopedia
|last1        = 
|first1       = 
|last2        = 
|first2       = 
|date         = 
|title        = 
|url          = 
|url-access   = 
|trans-title  = 
|format       = 
|encyclopedia = 
|language     = 
|location     = 
|publisher    = 
|url-status   = 
|archive-url  = 
|archive-date = 
|access-date  = 
|via          = 
|quote        = 
Full parameter set in vertical format
Parameters Prerequisites Brief instructions / notes Vertical list
سانچہ:Codett Author's last name or single name author. Don't link.
{{cite encyclopedia
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|collaboration        = 
|df                   = 
|date                 = 
|year                 = 
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|orig-year            = 
|location             = 
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|editor-first1        = 
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|editor-mask1         = 
|editor-mask2         = 
|chapter              = 
|script-chapter       = 
|chapter-url          = 
|chapter-url-access   = 
|trans-chapter        = 
|chapter-format       = 
|title                = 
|script-title         = 
|title-link           = 
|url                  = 
|url-access           = 
|trans-title          = 
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|trans-encyclopedia   = 
|department           = 
|type                 = 
|series               = 
|language             = 
|volume               = 
|interviewer-last1    = 
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|interviewer-last2    = 
|interviewer-first2   = 
|interviewer-link2    = 
|display-interviewers = 
|interviewer-mask1    = 
|interviewer-mask2    = 
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|translator-last2     = 
|translator-first2    = 
|translator-link2     = 
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|translator-mask2     = 
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|time                 = 
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|osti-access          = 
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|sbn                  = 
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|s2cid-access         = 
|zbl                  = 
|id                   = 
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|archive-date         = 
|access-date          = 
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|quote                = 
|script-quote         = 
|trans-quote          = 
|mode                 = 
|ref                  = 
|postscript           = 
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett Author's first name. Don't link.
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett Title of Wikipedia article about the first author. Don't link.
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett Like last1, but for 2nd author. Don't link. Similar: last3, etc.
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett Like first1, but for 2nd author. Don't link. Similar: first3, etc.
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett Like author-link1, but for 2nd author. Don't link. Similar: author-link3, etc.
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett Number (number of authors displayed) or etal (more authors)
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett See Display options below; not for lists of cited works
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett
collaboration سانچہ:Codett
orig-date date or year
orig-year date or year
سانچہ:Codett This should be the title of the chapter cited. Do not wikilink سانچہ:Codett if سانچہ:Codett is provided. Note that if defined, these parameters become the third ones of this template in place of title-related parameters, while title-related parameters swap places with سانچہ:Codett- and editor-related parameters, whether or not سانچہ:Codett is also defined as well, encyclopedia- and department-related parameters also swap places with each other, and trans-encyclopedia won't display.
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett or سانچہ:Codett
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett or سانچہ:Codett
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett can be used for written-at location when publication-place is used for publication place Note that if the parameter سانچہ:Codett is defined, these parameters swap places with title-related parameters.
سانچہ:Codett Like last1, but for editor. Don't link.
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett Like first1, but for editor. Don't link.
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett Like author-link1, but for editor. Don't link.
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett Like last1, but for 2nd editor. Don't link. Similar: editor-last3, etc.
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett Like first1, but for 2nd editor. Don't link. Similar: editor-first3, etc.
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett Like author-link1, but for 2nd editor. Don't link. Similar: editor-link3, etc.
display-editors سانچہ:Codett Like display-authors, but for editors
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett See Display options below; not for lists of cited works
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett
title This parameter is required. Note that if the parameter سانچہ:Codett is defined, these parameters parameters swap places with سانچہ:Codett- and editor-related parameters, and get shown in italics instead of "quotation marks", both unless سانچہ:Codett is also defined as well.
title-link title or script-title Name of a Wikipedia article about the work. Do not use if url is provided
url title or script-title Do not use if title-link is provided
url-access url
trans-title title or script-title
format url
سانچہ:Codett Note that if defined, title-related parameters swap places with سانچہ:Codett- and editor-related parameters unless سانچہ:Codett is also defined as well, and that if the parameter سانچہ:Codett is defined, these parameters swap places with each other, and trans-encyclopedia won't display.
trans-encyclopedia سانچہ:Codett or script-encyclopedia
سانچہ:Codett Like last1, but for interviewer. Don't link.
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett Like first1, but for interviewer. Don't link.
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett Like author-link1, but for interviewer. Don't link.
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett Like last1, but for 2nd interviewer. Don't link. Similar: interviewer-last3, etc.
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett Like first1, but for 2nd interviewer. Don't link. Similar: interviewer-first3, etc.
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett Like author-link1, but for 2nd interviewer. Don't link. Similar: interviewer-link3, etc.
display-interviewers سانچہ:Codett Like display-authors, but for interviewers
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett See Display options below; not for lists of cited works
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett
سانچہ:Codett Like last1, but for translator. Don't link.
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett Like first1, but for translator. Don't link.
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett Like author-link1, but for translator. Don't link.
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett Like last1, but for 2nd translator. Don't link. Similar: translator-last3, etc.
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett Like first1, but for 2nd translator. Don't link. Similar: translator-first3, etc.
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett Like author-link1, but for 2nd translator. Don't link. Similar: translator-link3, etc.
display-translators سانچہ:Codett Like display-authors, but for translators
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett See Display options below; not for lists of cited works
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett
name-list-style سانچہ:Codett Set to amp or ampersand to separate the last author with " & "; set to and to separate with " and "
publication-place سانچہ:Codett
time-caption time
سانچہ:Codett choose one: page, pages, or at
سانچہ:Codett choose one: page, pages, or at. Use when content on multiple pages supports the article text.
at choose one: page, pages, or at
no-pp سانچہ:Codett or سانچہ:Codett set to "yes" to suppress the "p." or "pp." before page numbers
asin-tld سانچہ:Codett
biorxiv-access biorxiv
doi-access سانچہ:Codett
doi-broken-date سانچہ:Codett
hdl-access سانچہ:Codett
jstor-access سانچہ:Codett
ol-access سانچہ:Codett
osti-access سانچہ:Codett
pmc-embargo-date سانچہ:Codett
s2cid-access سانچہ:Codett
url-status سانچہ:Codett
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett, url
archive-format سانچہ:Codett
سانچہ:Codett سانچہ:Codett
سانچہ:Codett url
quote-page choose one: quote-page, quote-pages
quote-pages choose one: quote-page, quote-pages. Use when quote contains contents from multiple pages.
mode cs1 or cs2
If a field name is listed in the Prerequisites column, it is a prerequisite for the field to the left.


  • {{cite encyclopedia |last=Golden |first=Peter B. |author-link=Peter Benjamin Golden |editor1-last=Golden |editor1-first=Peter B. |editor1-link=Peter Benjamin Golden |editor2-last=Ben-Shammai |editor2-first=Haggai |editor3-last=Róna-Tas |editor3-first=András |editor3-link=András Róna-Tas |encyclopedia=The World of the Khazars: New Perspectives |title=Khazar Studies: Achievements and Perspectives |url={{google books |plainurl=y |id=3ZzXjdyK-CEC|page=7}} |date=2007a |publisher=BRILL |series=Handbook of Oriental Studies |volume=17 |isbn=978-9-004-16042-2 |pages=7–57}}
Peter B. Golden (2007a)۔ "Khazar Studies: Achievements and Perspectives"۔ در Peter B. Golden؛ Haggai Ben-Shammai؛ András Róna-Tas (مدیران)۔ The World of the Khazars: New Perspectives۔ Handbook of Oriental Studies۔ BRILL۔ ج 17۔ ص 7–57۔ ISBN:978-9-004-16042-2
  • {{cite encyclopedia |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20031115231753/http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761565515/Idaho.html |title=Idaho |encyclopedia=MSN Encarta |url=http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761565515/Idaho.html |archive-date=15 November 2003}}
"Idaho"۔ MSN Encarta۔ 2003-11-15 کو اصل سے آرکائیو کیا گیا
  • {{cite encyclopedia |last=Seberg |first=Ole |editor1-last=Heywood |editor1-first=Vernon H. |editor2-last=Brummitt |editor2-first=Richard K. |editor3-last=Culham |editor3-first=Alastair |title=Alliaceae |encyclopedia=Flowering Plant Families of the World |url={{google books |plainurl=y |id=Jy1FAQAAIAAJ|page=340}}|date=2007 |publisher=Firefly Books |location=Richmond Hill, Ontario |isbn=978-1-55407-206-4 |pages=340–341}}
Ole Seberg (2007)۔ "Alliaceae"۔ در Vernon H. Heywood؛ Richard K. Brummitt؛ Alastair Culham (مدیران)۔ Flowering Plant Families of the World۔ Richmond Hill: Firefly Books
  • {{cite encyclopedia |last=Gerish |first=Deborah |editor-last=Murray |editor-first=Alan V. |title=Aimery of Lusignan |encyclopedia=The Crusades: An Encyclopedia |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=6cSXSgAACAAJ |date=2006 |publisher=ABC-CLIO |volume=1 |location=Santa Barbara |oclc=70122512 |pages=24}}
Deborah Gerish (2006)۔ "Aimery of Lusignan"۔ در Alan V. Murray (مدیر)۔ The Crusades: An Encyclopedia۔ Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO۔ ج 1۔ ص 24۔ OCLC:70122512
  • {{cite encyclopedia |encyclopedia=Biographical Memoirs |volume=82 |date=2003 |given=Arnel R. |surname=Hallauer |entry=John David Axtell |publisher=[[National Academies Press]] |publication-place=Washington, D.C. |language=en |url=https://www.nap.edu/catalog/10683/biographical-memoirs-volume-82 |entry-url=https://www.nap.edu/read/10683/chapter/2}}
Arnel R. Hallauer (2003). "John David Axtell". Biographical Memoirs (بزبان انگریزی). Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press. Vol. 82.

Above is an example of using |entry-url= to link to the cited entry in the encyclopedia while also using |url= to link to the encyclopedia as a whole.

  • {{cite encyclopedia |last=Morère |encyclopedia=Dictionary of Scientific Biography |isbn=0-684-10114-9 |first=J. E. |publisher=Charles Scribner's Sons |title=Aguilon, François d' |volume=1 |location=New York |pages=81 |date=1970}}
J. E. Morère (1970)۔ "Aguilon, François d'Dictionary of Scientific Biography۔ New York: Charles Scribner's Sons۔ ج 1۔ ص 81۔ ISBN:0-684-10114-9
  • {{cite encyclopedia |last=Smith |encyclopedia=A concise encyclopedia of the Bahá'í Faith |isbn=1-85168-184-1 |first=Peter |publisher=Oneworld Publications |title=satan |location=Oxford |pages=304 |date=2000}}
Peter Smith (2000)۔ "satan"۔ A concise encyclopedia of the Bahá'í Faith۔ Oxford: Oneworld Publications۔ ص 304۔ ISBN:1-85168-184-1
  • {{cite encyclopedia |last=Wallace |first=William A. |editor-last=Gillispie |editor-first=Charles |title=Albertus Magnus, Saint |encyclopedia=Dictionary of Scientific Biography |url=http://www.u.arizona.edu/~aversa/scholastic/Dictionary%20of%20Scientific%20Biography/Albertus%20Magnus%20(Wallace).pdf |date=1970 |publisher=Scribner & American Council of Learned Societies |volume=1 |location=New York |isbn=978-0-684-10114-9 |pages=99-103}}
William A. Wallace (1970)۔ "Albertus Magnus, Saint" (PDF)۔ در Charles Gillispie (مدیر)۔ Dictionary of Scientific Biography۔ New York: Scribner & American Council of Learned Societies۔ ج 1۔ ص 99–103۔ ISBN:978-0-684-10114-9
  • {{cite encyclopedia |last=Morse |encyclopedia=Law Library – American Law and Legal Information |first=Stephen J. |archive-date=1 December 2023 |title=Psychopathy – What Is Psychopathy? |volume=Crime and Justice Vol 3 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20231201165125/https://law.jrank.org/pages/1884/Psychopathy-What-psychopathy.html |url=http://law.jrank.org/pages/1884/Psychopathy-What-psychopathy.html8}}
Stephen J. Morse۔ "Psychopathy – What Is Psychopathy?"۔ Law Library – American Law and Legal Information۔ ج Crime and Justice Vol 3۔ 2023-12-01 کو اصل سے آرکائیو کیا گیا
  • {{cite encyclopedia |title=Wordsmith's dictionary of uncommon words with anonymous definitions |editor-last=Pickett|editor-first=James| date=2021 |ref={{sfnref|''Wordsmith''|2021}}}}
James Pickett، مدیر (2021)۔ Wordsmith's dictionary of uncommon words with anonymous definitions
This text uses uncommon-term_1[1] and uncommon-term-2[2] that require references in a dictionary and we don't want to cite the dictionary twice.

حوالہ جات

  1. Wordsmith 2021، uncommon-term-1
  2. Wordsmith 2021، uncommon-term-2



پیوستہ پیرا میٹر، یہ اپنے اصلی پیرا میٹرز (منبع) پر انحصار کرتے ہیں:

  • منبع
  • یا: منبع2—اسے منبع کی جگہ استعمال کیا جاسکتا ہے
    • شاخ—کے ساتھ منبع استعمال کیا جا سکتا ہے (اور اگر منبع کا استعمال نہیں کیا جاتا تو اسے نظر انداز کر دیا جاتا ہے)
    • یا: شاخ2—کی بجائے شاخ استعمال کیا جا سکتا ہے (اور اگر منبع2 کا استعمال نہیں کیا جاتا تو اسے نظر انداز کر دیا جاتا ہے)
جہاں عرفی نام درج کر رہے ہوں، صرف پیرامیٹرز میں سے ایک تعریف یوں کی جا سکتی ہے; ایک سے زیادہ عرفی نام پیرامیٹرز کی وضاحت کر رہے ہوں تو، پھر صرف ایک ہی دکھائے گا۔

By default, sets of fields are terminated with a period (.).

This template embeds COinS metadata in the HTML output, allowing reference management software to retrieve bibliographic metadata. See: Wikipedia:COinS. As a general rule, only one data item per parameter. Do not include explanatory or alternate text:

  • Use |date=27 September 2007 not |date=27 September 2007 (print version 25 September)

Use of templates within the citation template, is discouraged because many of these templates will add extraneous HTML or CSS that will be rendered in the metadata. Also, HTML entities, for example &nbsp;, &ndash;, etc, should not be used in parameters that contribute to the metadata. Do not include Wiki markup '' (italic font) or ''' (bold font) because these markup characters will contaminate the metadata.

COinS metadata is created for these parameters
  • |periodical=, |journal=, |newspaper=, |magazine=, |work=, |website=, |encyclopedia=, |encyclopaedia=, |dictionary=
  • |chapter=, |contribution=, |entry=, |article=, |section=
  • |title=
  • |publicationplace=, |publication-place=, |place=, |location=
  • |date=, |year=, |publicationdate=, |publication-date=
  • |series=, |version=
  • |volume=
  • |issue=, |number=
  • |page=, |pages=, |at=
  • |edition=
  • |publisher=, |distributor=, |institution=
  • |url=
  • |chapterurl=, |chapter-url=, |contributionurl=, |contribution-url=, |sectionurl=, |section-url=
  • |author#=, |Author#=, |authors#=, |author#-last=, |author-last#=, |last#=, |surname#=
  • |"author#-first=, |author-first#=, |first#=, |given#=
  • any of the named identifiers (|isbn=, |issn=, |doi=, |pmc=, etc)

What's new


سانچہ:Citation Style documentation/whats new



معاونت:CS1 errors معاونت:CS1 errors معاونت:CS1 errors معاونت:CS1 errors


  • last: Surname of a single author. Do not wikilink—use author-link instead. For corporate authors or authors for whom only one name is listed by the source, use last or one of its aliases (e.g. |author=Bono). Aliases: surname, author, last1, surname1, author1.
    • author: this parameter is used to hold the complete name of a single author (first and last) or to hold the name of a corporate author. This parameter should never hold the names of more than one author. Do not wikilink—use author-link instead.
    • first: Given or first names of author; for example: Firstname Middlename or Firstname M. or Firstname M., Sr. Do not wikilink—use author-link instead. Aliases: given, first1, given1. Requires last; first name will not display if last is empty.
    • OR: for multiple authors, use last1, first1 through lastn, firstn, where n is any consecutive number for an unlimited number of authors (each firstn requires a corresponding lastn, but not the other way around). See the display parameters to change how many authors are displayed. Aliases: surname1, given1 through surnamen, givenn, or author1 through authorn. For an individual author plus an institutional author, you can use |first1=...|last1=...|author2=....
    • author-link: Title of existing Wikipedia article about the author—not the author's website; do not wikilink. Aliases: author-link1, author1-link, authorlink.
    • OR: for multiple authors, use author-link1 through author-linkn. Aliases: author1-link through authorn-link.
    • name-list-style: accepts a limited list of keywords as value; when set to amp, ampersand, or &, inserts an ampersand between the last two names in a name list; when set to and, inserts the conjunction 'and' between the last two names of a name list; when set to vancdisplays name lists in Vancouver style when the lists use the last/first forms of name parameters.
  • vauthors: comma-separated list of author names in Vancouver style; enclose corporate or institutional author names in doubled parentheses. End with etal if appropriate:
    |vauthors=Smythe JB, ((Megabux Corp.)), etal
    • author-link and author-mask may be used for the individual names in |vauthors= as described above
  • authors: Free-form list of author names; use of this parameter is discouraged because it does not contribute to a citation's metadata; not an alias of last.
  • translator-last: Surname of translator. Do not wikilink—use translator-link instead. Aliases: translator-surname, translator1, translator1-last, translator-last1.
    • translator-first: Given or first names of translator. Do not wikilink—use translator-link instead. Aliases: translator-given, translator1-first, translator-first1.
    • OR: for multiple translators, use translator-last1, translator-first1 through translator-lastn, translator-firstn, where n is any consecutive number for an unlimited number of translators (each translator-firstn requires a corresponding translator-lastn, but not the other way around). Aliases: translator1-last, translator1-first through translatorn-last, translatorn-first, or translator1 through translatorn.
    • translator-link: Title of existing Wikipedia article about the translator—not the translator's website; do not wikilink. Aliases: translator-link1, translator1-link.
    • OR: for multiple translators, use translator-link1 through translator-linkn. Aliases: translator1-link through translatorn-link.
  • collaboration: Name of a group of authors or collaborators; requires author, last, or vauthors listing one or more primary authors; follows author name-list; appends "et al." to author name-list.
  • others: To record other contributors to the work, including illustrators. For the parameter value, write Illustrated by John Smith.
  • Note: When using shortened footnotes or قوسین حوالہ styles with templates, do not use multiple names in one field, or else the anchor will not match the inline link.
  • date: Date of source being referenced. Can be full date (day, month, and year) or partial date (month and year, season and year, or year). Use same format as other publication dates in the citations.[date 1] Required when year is used to disambiguate {{sfn}} links to multiple-work citations by the same author in the same year.سانچہ:Sfn] Do not wikilink. Displays after the authors and is enclosed in parentheses. If there is no author, then displays after publisher. For acceptable date formats, see Help:Citation Style 1 § Dates.
For approximate year, precede with "c. ", like this: |date=c. 1900.

For no date, or "undated", add as |date=n.d.
  • year: Year of source being referenced. Use of |date= is recommended unless all of the following conditions are met:
    1. The template uses |ref=harv, or the template is {{citation}}, or |mode=cs2
    2. The |date= format is YYYY-MM-DD.
    3. The citation requires a CITEREF سانچہ:Sfn.
  • orig-year: Original publication year; displays after the date or year. For clarity, please supply specifics. For example: |orig-year=First published 1859 or |orig-year=Composed 1904.
  • df: date format; sets rendered dates to the specified format; does not support date ranges or seasonal dates. Accepts one value which may be one of these:
    dmy – set publication dates to day month year format; access- and archive-dates are not modified;
    mdy – as above for month day, year format
    ymd – as above for year initial numeric format YYYY-MM-DD
    dmy-all – set publication, access-, and archive-dates to day month year format;
    mdy-all – as above for month day, year format
    ymd-all – as above for year initial numeric format YYYY-MM-DD
  1. Publication dates in references within an article should all have the same format. This may be a different format from that used for archive and access dates. See .
  • editor-last: surname of editor. Do not wikilink—use editor-link instead. Where the surname is usually written first—as in Chinese—or for corporate authors, simply use editor-last to include the same format as the source. Aliases: editor-last1, editor1-last, editor-surname, editor-surname1, editor1-surname, editor, editor1.
    • editor: This parameter is used to hold the complete name of a single editor (first and last), or the name of an editorial committee. This parameter should never hold the names of more than one editor.
    • editor-first: given or first names of editor, including title(s); example: Firstname Middlename or Firstname M. or Dr. Firstname M., Sr. Do not wikilink—use editor-link instead. Aliases: editor-first1, editor1-first, editor-given, editor-given1, editor1-given.
    • OR: for multiple editors, use editor-last1, editor-first1 through editor-lastn, editor-firstn (Aliases: editorn-last, editor-surnamen or editorn-surname; editorn-first, editor-givenn or editorn-given; editorn). For an individual editor plus an institutional editor, you can use |editor-first1=...|editor-last1=... |editor2=....
    • editor-link: title of existing Wikipedia article about the editor—not the editor's website; do not wikilink. Aliases: editor-link1.
    • OR: for multiple editors, use editor-link1 through editor-linkn (alias editorn-link).
    • name-list-style: accepts a limited list of keywords as value; when set to amp, ampersand, or &, inserts an ampersand between the last two names in a name list; when set to and, inserts the conjunction 'and' between the last two names of a name list; when set to vancdisplays name lists in Vancouver style when the lists use the last/first forms of name parameters.
  • veditors: comma separated list of editor names in Vancouver style; enclose corporate or institutional names in doubled parentheses. End with etal if appropriate:
    |veditors=Smythe JB, ((Megabux Corp.)), etal
    • editor-linkn and editor-maskn may be used for the individual names in |veditors=, as described above
  • Display:
    Use display-editors to control the length of the displayed editor name list and to specify when "et al." is included.
    If authors: Authors are first, followed by the included work, then "In" and the editors, then the main work.
    If no authors: Editors appear before the included work; a single editor is followed by "ed."; multiple editors are followed by "eds."

(See also Help:Citation Style 1 § Titles and chapters.)

  • encyclopedia: Title of source. Can be wikilinked to an existing Wikipedia article or url may be used to add an external link, but not both. Displays in italics. If script-title is defined, use title to hold a Romanization (if available) of the title in script-title.
    • script-title: Original title for languages that do not use a Latin-based script (Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, etc.); not italicized, follows italicized Romanization defined in title (if present). Must be prefixed with one of the supported language codes to help browsers properly display the script:
      ... |title=Tōkyō tawā |script-title=ja:東京タワー |trans-title=Tokyo Tower ...
    • trans-title: English translation of the title if the source cited is in a foreign language. Displays in square brackets after encyclopedia; if url is defined, then trans-title is included in the link. Use of the language parameter is recommended.
Titles containing certain characters will not display and link correctly unless those characters are encoded.
newline [ ] |
space &#91; &#93; {{!}} (preferred)
سانچہ:Bracket &#124; or {{pipe}}see also Help:Table § Rendering the pipe
  • title-link: Title of existing Wikipedia article about the source named in title – do not use a web address; do not wikilink.

(See also Help:Citation Style 1 § Titles and chapters.)

  • title: Title of source. Can be wikilinked to an existing Wikipedia article or url may be used to add an external link, but not both. Displays in italics. If script-title is defined, use title to hold a Romanization (if available) of the title in script-title.
    • script-title: Original title for languages that do not use a Latin-based script (Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, etc.); not italicized, follows italicized Romanization defined in title (if present). Must be prefixed with one of the supported language codes to help browsers properly display the script:
      ... |title=Tōkyō tawā |script-title=ja:東京タワー |trans-title=Tokyo Tower ...
    • trans-title: English translation of the title if the source cited is in a foreign language. Displays in square brackets after title; if url is defined, then trans-title is included in the link. Use of the language parameter is recommended.
Titles containing certain characters will not display and link correctly unless those characters are encoded.
newline [ ] |
space &#91; &#93; {{!}} (preferred)
سانچہ:Bracket &#124; or {{pipe}}see also Help:Table § Rendering the pipe
  • title-link: Title of existing Wikipedia article about the source named in title – do not use a web address; do not wikilink.
Aliases: title, article
  • قسم: ذرائع ابلاغ کے مآخذ کےمتعلق اضافی معلومات مہیا کرتا ہے; جملے کی صورت میں۔ عنوان مندرجہ ذیل قوسین میں دکھاتا ہے۔ مثالیں: مقالات، کتابچہ، سی ڈی لائنر، خبری اعلامیہ۔
  • chapter: The chapter heading of the source. May be wikilinked or may use chapter-url, but not both. Displays in quotes. If script-chapter is defined, use chapter to hold a Romanization (if available) of the title in script-chapter
    • script-chapter: Chapter heading for languages that do not use a Latin-based script (Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, etc); follows Romanization defined in chapter (if present). Must be prefixed with one of the supported language codes to help browsers properly display the script:
      ... |chapter=Tōkyō tawā |script-chapter=ja:東京タワー |trans-chapter=Tokyo Tower ...
    • trans-chapter: English translation of the chapter heading, if the source cited is in a foreign language. Displays in square brackets after the chapter field; if chapter-url is defined, then trans-chapter is included in the link. Use of the language parameter is recommended.
  • contribution: A separately-authored part of author's book. May be wikilinked or may use contribution-url, but not both. Values of Afterword, Foreword, Introduction, or Preface will display unquoted; any other value will display in quotation marks. The author of the contribution is given in contributor.
  • زبان: The language the source is written in, if not English. Displays in parentheses with "in" before the language name. Use the full language name; do not use templates.
  • url: URL of an online location where the text of the publication can be found. Cannot be used if title is wikilinked. If applicable, the link may point to the specific page(s) referenced. Remove spurious tracking parameters from URLs, e.g. #ixzz2rBr3aO94 or ?utm_source=google&utm_medium=...&utm_term=...&utm_campaign=.... See WP:PAGELINKS. Do not link to any commercial booksellers, such as Amazon.com.
    • access-date: Full date when the content pointed to by url was last verified to support the text in the article; do not wikilink; requires url; use the same format as other access and archive dates in the citations.[date 1] Not required for linked documents that do not change. For example, access-date is not required for links to copies of published research papers accessed via DOI or a published book, but should be used for links to news articles on commercial websites (these can change from time to time, even if they are also published in a physical medium). Note that access-date is the date that the URL was checked to not just be working, but to support the assertion being cited (which the current version of the page may not do). Can be hidden or styled by registered editors. Alias: accessdate.
    • archive-url: The URL of an archived copy of a web page, if or in case the url becomes unavailable. Typically used to refer to services like WebCite (see Wikipedia:Using WebCite) and انٹرنیٹ آرکائیو (see Wikipedia:Using the Wayback Machine); requires archive-date and url. Alias: archiveurl.
      • archive-date: Date when the original URL was archived; preceded by default text "archived from the original on". Use the same format as other access and archive dates in the citations. This does not necessarily have to be the same format that was used for citing publication dates.[date 1] Do not wikilink. Alias: archivedate.
      • dead-url: When the URL is still live, but pre-emptively archived, then set |dead-url=no. This changes the display order with the title retaining the original link and the archive linked at the end. When the original url has been usurped for the purposes of spam, advertising, or is otherwise unsuitable, setting |dead-url=unfit or |dead-url=usurped will not link to the original url in the rendered citation; |url= is still required. Other accepted values are y, yes, or true. Alias: deadurl.
    • template-doc-demo: The archive parameters will be error checked to ensure that all the required parameters are included, or else {{citation error}} is invoked. With errors, main, help and template pages are placed into one of the subcategories of Category:Articles with incorrect citation syntax. Set |template-doc-demo=true to disable categorization; mainly used for documentation where the error is demonstrated.
  • format: Format of the work referred to by url; for example: PDF, DOC, or XLS; displayed in parentheses after title. HTML is implied and should not be specified. Automatically added when a PDF icon is displayed. Does not change the external link icon. Note: External link icons do not include alt text; thus, they do not add format information for the visually impaired.
URLs must begin with a supported یو آر آئی. http:// and https:// will be supported by all browsers; however, ftp://, gopher://, irc://, ircs://, mailto: and news: will require a plug-in or an external application and should normally be avoided. IPv6 host-names are currently not supported.
If URLs in citation template parameters contain certain characters, then they will not display and link correctly. Those characters need to be percent-encoded. For example, a space must be replaced by %20. To encode the URL, replace the following characters with:
sp " ' < > [ ] { | }
%20 %22 %27 %3c %3e %5b %5d %7b %7c %7d
Single apostrophes do not need to be encoded; however, unencoded multiples will be parsed as italic or bold markup. Single curly closing braces also do not need to be encoded; however, an unencoded pair will be parsed as the double closing braces for the template transclusion.
  1. ^ ا ب Access-date and archive-date in references should all have the same format – either the format used for publication dates, or YYYY-MM-DD. See .

Chapter URL

  • chapter-url: URL of an online location where the text of the publication named by chapter or contribution can be found. Cannot be used if those parameters are wikilinked. Should be at the same site as url, if any. If chapter-url is used, url should only be used if the beginning of the work and the cited chapter are on separate webpages at the site. Aliases: contribution-url, section-url.
  • chapter-format: Format of the work referred to by chapter-url; for example: PDF, DOC, or XLS; displayed in parentheses after chapter. HTML is implied and should not be specified. Does not change the external link icon. Note: External link icons do not include alt text; thus, they do not add format information for the visually impaired.


  • encyclopedia: Name of the work containing the source; may be wikilinked if relevant. Displays in italics. If the name of the periodical changed over time use the name at the time of the source's publication. If script-encyclopedia is defined, use encyclopedia to hold a Romanization (if available) of the title in script-encyclopedia. Alias: dictionary. Use Latin script. For languages written in non-Latin based scripts (Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Indic, Japanese, Korean, etc.) use a standard Romanization in this field.
    • script-encyclopedia: Work title in its original, non-Latin script; not italicized, follows italicized Romanization defined in encyclopedia (if present). Must be prefixed with one of the supported language codes to help browsers properly display the script. Leave empty for Latin-based scripts (Czech, French, Turkish, Vietnamese, etc.). Alias: script-dictionary.
    • trans-encyclopedia: English translation of the work title if the source cited is in a foreign language. Displays in square brackets after encyclopedia or script-encyclopedia.
      ... |encyclopedia=Zhōngguó piàofáng |script-encyclopedia=zh:中国票房 |trans-encyclopedia=China Box Office ...
    • department: Title of a regular department, column, or section within the periodical or journal. Examples include "Communication", "Editorial", "Letter to the Editor", and "Review". Displays after title and is in plain text.

Edition, series, volume

  • edition: When the publication has more than one edition; for example: "2nd", "Revised", and so forth. Appends the string " ed." after the field, so |edition=2nd produces "2nd ed." Does not display if a periodical field is defined.
  • series or version: When the source is part of a series, such as a book series or a journal where the issue numbering has restarted.
  • volume: For one publication published in several volumes. Displays after the title and series fields; volume numbers should be entered just as a numeral (e.g. 37). Volume values that are wholly digits, wholly uppercase Roman numerals, or fewer than five characters will appear in bold. Any alphanumeric value of five or more characters will not appear in bold. In rare cases, publications carry both, an ongoing volume and a year-related value; if so, provide them both, for example |volume=IV / #10.



سانچہ:Citation Style documentation/publisher

In-source locations


سانچہ:Citation Style documentation/pages


  • id: A unique identifier, used where none of the specialized identifiers are applicable; wikilink or use an as applicable. For example, |id=NCJ 122967 will append "NCJ 122967" at the end of the citation. You can use templates such as |id={{NCJ|122967}} to append NCJ 122967 instead.

The following identifiers create links and are designed to accept a single value. Using multiple values or other text will break the link and/or invalidate the identifier. In general, the parameters should include only the variable part of the identifier, e.g. |rfc=822 or |pmc=345678.

  • أرخايف: آرکائیو (سائنس) identifier; for example: |arxiv=hep-th/9205027 (before April 2007) or |arxiv=0706.0001 (April 2007 – December 2014) or |arxiv=1501.00001 (since January 2015). Do not include extraneous file extensions like ".pdf" or ".html". Aliases: arxiv, eprint, آرخائیو.
  • asin: امیزون معیاری شناختی نمبر; if first character of asin value is a digit, use isbn. Because this link favours one specific distributor, include it only if standard identifiers are not available. Example |asin=B00005N5PF. Aliases: ASIN, اے_ایس_آئی_این.
    • asin-tld: ASIN top-level domain for Amazon sites other than the US; valid values: معاونت:CS1 errors. Aliases: none.
  • بيب_كود: بب کوڈ; used by a number of astronomical data systems; for example: 1974AJ.....79..819H. Aliases: bibcode, بب_کوڈ.
  • biorxiv: بایوآرکائیو id, as in the entire DOI (e.g. 10.1101/078733 for http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2016/10/01/078733 or https://doi.org/10.1101/078733; 10.1101/2020.07.24.220400 for https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.07.24.220400). Aliases: بایوآرکائیو.
  • citeseerx: سائٹ سیئر ایکس id, a string of digits and dots found in a CiteSeerX URL (e.g. for http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= Aliases: سائٹ_سیئر_ایکس.
  • ڈی او آئی: ڈی او آئی; for example: 10.1038/news070508-7. It is checked to ensure it begins with (10.). Aliases: doi, DOI, دوي.
    • Supports accept-this-as-written markup to indicate valid DOIs using a non-standard format, see below.
    • doi-broken-date: Date a valid DOI was found to be non-working/inactive at https://doi.org. Use the same format as other dates in the article. Aliases: none.
  • eissn: بین الاقوامی معیاری سلسلہ نمبر for the electronic media of a serial publication; eight characters may be split into two groups of four using a hyphen, but not an en dash or a space; example |eissn=1557-2986. Aliases: EISSN, ای_آئی_ایس_ایس_این.
    • Supports accept-this-as-written markup to indicate valid eISSNs using a non-standard format, see below.
  • hdl: ہینڈل سسٹم identifier for digital objects and other resources on the Internet; example |hdl=20.1000/100. Aliases: HDL, ایچ_ڈی_ایل.
  • isbn: بین الاقوامی معیاری کتابی عدد; for example: 978-0-8126-9593-9. (See Wikipedia:ISBN and ISBN § Overview.) Hyphens in the ISBN are optional, but preferred. Use the ISBN actually printed on or in the book. Use the 13-digit ISBN – beginning with 978 or 979 – when it is available. If only a 10-digit ISBN is printed on or in the book, use it. ISBNs can be found on the page with the publisher's information – usually the back of the title page – or beneath the barcode as a number beginning with 978 or 979 (barcodes beginning with any other numbers are not ISBNs). For sources with the older 9-digit SBN system, use sbn. Do not convert a 10-digit ISBN to 13-digit by just adding the 978 prefix; the last digit is a calculated check digit and just making changes to the numbers will make the ISBN invalid. This parameter should hold only the ISBN without any additional characters. It is checked for length, invalid characters – anything other than numbers, spaces, and hyphens, with "X" permitted as the last character in a 10-digit ISBN – and the proper check digit. Aliases: آئی_ایس_بی_این, ISBN, ردمك.
    • Supports accept-this-as-written markup to indicate valid ISBNs using a non-standard format, see below.
  • اسمن: بین الاقوامی معیاری موسیقی نمبر; for example: 979-0-9016791-7-7. Hyphens or spaces in the ISMN are optional. Use the ISMN actually printed on or in the work. This parameter should hold only the ISMN without any additional characters. It is checked for length, invalid characters – anything other than numbers, spaces, and hyphens – and the proper check digit. Aliases: ismn, ISMN, آئی_ایس_ایم_این.
  • issn: بین الاقوامی معیاری سلسلہ نمبر; eight characters may be split into two groups of four using a hyphen, but not an en dash or a space; example |issn=2049-3630. Aliases: ISSN, آئی_ایس_ایس_این.
    • Supports accept-this-as-written markup to indicate valid ISSNs using a non-standard format, see below.
  • jfm: Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik; do not include "JFM" in the value; example |jfm=53.0144.01. Aliases: JFM, جے_ایف_ایم.
  • جے_اسٹور: جے اسٹور reference number; for example: |jstor=3793107. Aliases: jstor, JSTOR, جايستور.
  • كونغرس: کتب خانہ کانگریس کنٹرول نمبر. When present, alphabetic prefix characters are to be lower case and without a space; example |lccn=79-57364 or |lccn=2004042477 or |lccn=e09001178. Aliases: LCCN, lccn, کانگریس.
  • mr: Mathematical Reviews; example |mr=630583. Aliases: MR, ایم_آر.
  • أكلس: او سی ایل سی for looking up publications in the WorldCat union catalog; example |oclc=9355469. Aliases: OCLC, oclc, او_سی_ایل_سی.
  • المكتبة_المفتوحة: آزاد مکتبہ identifier; do not include "OL" in the value; example |ol=7030731M. Aliases: ol, OL, آزاد_مکتبہ.
  • osti: دفتر برائے سائنسی و تکنیکی معلومات; example |osti=4367507. Aliases: OSTI, او_ایس_ٹی_آئی.
  • ببمد_سنترال: PubMed Central; use article number for open repository full-text of a journal article, e.g. |pmc=345678. Do not include "PMC" in the value. See also the pmid parameter, below; these are two different identifiers.. Aliases: PMC, pmc, پب_میڈ_سینٹرل.
    • pmc-embargo-date: Date that ببمد_سنترال goes live; if this date is in the future, then ببمد_سنترال is not linked until that date. Aliases: تاریخ امتناع.
  • pmid: پب میڈ; use unique identifier; example |pmid=17322060 See also the ببمد_سنترال parameter, above; these are two different identifiers. Aliases: PMID, پب_میڈ.
  • طلب_تعليقات: Request for Comments; example |rfc=3143. Aliases: RFC, rfc, طلب_آرا.
  • sbn: بین الاقوامی معیاری کتابی عدد; example |sbn=356-02201-3. Aliases: SBN, ایس_بی_این.
    • Supports accept-this-as-written markup to indicate valid SBNs using a non-standard format, see below.
  • ssrn: Social Science Research Network; example |ssrn=1900856. Aliases: SSRN, ایس_ایس_آر_این.
  • s2cid: سیمانٹک اسکالر corpus ID; example |s2cid=37220927. Aliases: S2CID, سیمانٹک.
  • zbl: زنترالبلاٹ ریاضی; example |zbl=0472.53010 For zbMATH search results like JFM 35.0387.02 use |jfm=35.0387.02. Aliases: ZBL, زیڈ_بی_ایل.

In very rare cases, valid identifiers (f.e., as actually printed on publications) do not follow their defined standard format or use non-conforming checksums, which would typically cause an error message to be shown. Do not alter them to match a different checksum. In order to suppress the error message, some identifiers (|doi=, |eissn=, |isbn=, |issn=, and |sbn=) support a special accept-this-as-written markup which can be applied to disable the error-checking (as |<param>=((<value>))). If the problem is down to a mere typographical error in a third-party source, correct the identifier value instead of overriding the error message.

For some identifiers, it is possible to specify the access status using the corresponding |<param>-access= parameter.

For {{cite journal}}, some identifiers (specifying free resources) will automatically be linked to the title when |url= and |title-link= are not used to specify a different link target. This behaviour can be overridden by one out of a number of special keywords for |title-link= to manually select a specific source (|title-link=pmc or |title-link=doi) for auto-linking or to disable the feature (|title-link=none).

It is not necessary to specify a URL to a link identical to a link also produced by an identifier. The |url= parameter (or |title-link=) can then be used for providing a direct deep link to the corresponding document or a ویکیپیڈیا:حوالہ دہی to a resource that would not otherwise be obviously accessible.

Subscription or registration required


These parameters add a link note to the end of the citation:

  • registration: For online sources that require registration, set |registration=yes; superseded by subscription if both are set.
  • subscription: For online sources that require a subscription, set |subscription=yes; supersedes registration if both are set.
  • quote: Relevant text quoted from the source. Displays enclosed in quotes. When supplied, the citation terminator (a period by default) is suppressed, so the quote must include terminating punctuation. If script-quote is defined, use quote to hold a Romanization (if available) of the text in script-quote.
    • script-quote: Original quotation for languages that do not use a Latin-based script (Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, etc.); not italicized, follows italicized Romanization defined in quote (if available). Alias: none. Must be prefixed with one of the supported language codes to help browsers properly display the script:
      ... |quote=Tōkyō tawā |script-quote=ja:東京タワー |trans-quote=Tokyo Tower ...
    • trans-quote: English translation of the quotation if the source quoted is in a foreign language. Displays in square brackets. Alias: none.
  • quote-page: The number of a single page quoted in |quote=. Use either |quote-page= or |quote-pages=, but not both. Should be a subset of the page(s) specified in |page=, |pages= or |at=. Displays preceded by p. unless |no-pp=yes. If hyphenated, use {{hyphen}} to indicate this is intentional (e.g. |quote-page=3{{hyphen}}12). Alias: none.
  • OR: quote-pages: A list or range of pages quoted in |quote=. Use either |quote-page= or |quote-pages=, but not both. Should be a subset of the pages specified in |pages= or |at=. Separate using an en dash (–); separate non-sequential pages with a comma (,). Displays preceded by pp. unless |no-pp=yes is defined. Hyphens are automatically converted to en dashes; if hyphens are appropriate because individual page numbers contain hyphens, for example: pp. 3-1–3-15, use double parentheses to tell the template to display the value of |quote-pages= without processing it, and use {{hyphen}} to indicate to editors that a hyphen is really intended: |quote-pages=((3{{hyphen}}1{{ndash}}3{{hyphen}}15)). Alias: none.

Display options

  • author-mask: Replaces the name of the first author with em dashes or text. Set author-mask to a numeric value n to set the dash n em spaces wide; set author-mask to a text value to display the text without a trailing author separator; for example, "with". You must still include the values for all authors for metadata purposes. Primarily intended for use with bibliographies or bibliography styles where multiple works by a single author are listed sequentially such as Shortened footnotes. Do not use in a list generated by {{reflist}}, <references /> or similar as there is no control of the order in which references are displayed.
  • author-name-separator: Controls the separator between last and first names; defaults to a comma and space (, ); if the parameter is present, but blank, no separator punctuation will be used; a space must be encoded as &#32; do not use an asterisk (*), colon (:) or hash (#) as they will be interpreted as wikimarkup.
  • author-separator: Controls the separator between authors; defaults to a semicolon and space (; ); if the parameter is present, but blank, no separator punctuation will be used; a space must be encoded as &#32; do not use an asterisk (*), colon (:) or hash (#) as they will be interpreted as wikimarkup.
  • display-authors: Controls the number of author names that are displayed when a citation is published. To control the displayed number of author names, set display-authors to the desired number. For example, |display-authors=2 will display only the first two authors in a citation. By default, the only the first eight cited authors are displayed; subsequent authors beyond eight are represented in the published citation by "et al." If a citation contains nine author names and one wishes all nine author names to display, "et al." may be suppressed by setting |display-authors=9. Aliases: displayauthors.
  • lastauthoramp: Switches the separator between the last two names of the author list to space ampersand space ( & ) when set to any value. Example: |lastauthoramp=yes
  • postscript: Controls the closing punctuation for a citation; defaults to a period (.); if the parameter is present, but blank, no terminating punctuation will be used. Ignored if quote is defined.
  • separator: Controls the punctuation used to separate lists of authors, editors, etc. Defaults to a period (.); if the parameter is present, but blank, no separator punctuation will be used; a space must be encoded as &#32; do not use an asterisk (*), colon (:) or hash (#) as they will be interpreted as wikimarkup.


ذیل میں اس سانچہ کی معلومات سانچہ دستاویز درج ہے جنہیں بصری خانہ ترمیم اور دیگر آلات استعمال کرتے ہیں۔

معلومات سانچہ حوالہ موسوعہ

Error: cs1|2 template name required

This template formats a citation to an article or chapter in an edited collection such as an encyclopedia or dictionary, but more generally to any book or book series containing individual sections or chapters written by various authors, and put together by one or more editors.

محددات سانچہ

This template has custom formatting.

Year of publicationyear

Year of the source being referenced; use 'date' instead, if month and day are also known

Source titletitle entry

The title of the article or entry in the encyclopedia; displays in quotes

Encyclopediaencyclopedia encyclopaedia dictionary

Title of the source; may be wikilinked; displays in italics

اِسٹرنگتجویز کردہ
Publisherpublisher institution

Name of the publisher; displays after title

Location of publicationlocation place

Geographical place of publication; usually not wikilinked; omit when the publication name includes place; alias of 'place'


A unique identifier used where none of the specialized ones are applicable


The URL of the online location where the text of the publication can be found

یو آر ایلاختیاری
URL access dateaccess-date

The full date when the original URL was accessed; do not wikilink

Last namelast

The surname of the author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional authors

اِسٹرنگتجویز کردہ
First namefirst

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional authors

اِسٹرنگتجویز کردہ
Source datedate

Full date of the source; do not wikilink

Author linkauthor-link author-link1 author1-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the author; can suffix with a numeral to add additional authors


Used to record other contributions to the work, such as 'Illustrated by John Smith', 'Revised by John Smith' or 'Translated by John Smith'

Original dateorig-date orig-year

Original year of publication; provide specifics

Editor last nameeditor-last editor editor-surname editor-last1 editor-surname1 editor1 editor1-last editor1-surname

The surname of the editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor-link'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional editors

Editor first nameeditor-first editor-given editor-first1 editor-given1 editor1-first editor1-given

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor-link'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional editors

Editor linkeditor-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the editor; can suffix with a numeral to add additional editors; alias of 'editor1-link'

Place of publicationpublication-place

Publication place shows after title; if 'place' or 'location' are also given, they are displayed before the title prefixed with 'written at'

Publication datepublication-date

Date of publication when different from the date the work was written; do not wikilink


When the publication has more than one edition; for example: '2nd', 'Revised' etc.; suffixed with ' ed.'

Seriesseries version

When the source is part of a series, such as a book series where the issue numbering has restarted; alias of 'version'


For one publication published in several volumes

Pagepage p

Page in the source that supports the content; displays after 'p.'

Pages citedpages pp

A range of pages in the source that support the content (not an indication of the number of pages in the source); displays after 'pp.'; use either page= or pages=, but not both

اِسٹرنگتجویز کردہ
No ppno-pp

Set to 'y' to suppress the 'p.' or 'pp.' display with 'page' or 'pages' when inappropriate (such as 'Front cover')


May be used instead of 'page' or 'pages' where a page number is inappropriate or insufficient

Languagelanguage lang

The language in which the source is written, if not English; use the full language name; do not use icons or templates

Translated titletrans-title

An English language title, if the source cited is in a foreign language; 'language' is recommended


Additional information about the media type of the source; format in sentence case


Format of the work referred to by 'url'; examples: PDF, DOC, XLS; do not specify HTML

arXiv identifierarxiv

An identifier for arXive electronic preprints of scientific papers


Amazon Standard Identification Number; 10 characters

ASIN TLDasin-tld

ASIN top-level domain for Amazon sites other than the US


Bibliographic Reference Code (REFCODE); 19 characters


Digital Object Identifier; begins with '10.'

DOI broken datedoi-broken-date

The date that the DOI was determined to be broken


International Standard Book Number; use the 13-digit ISBN where possible


International Standard Serial Number; 8 characters; may be split into two groups of four using a hyphen

jfm codejfm JFM

Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik classification code


JSTOR identifier


Library of Congress Control Number


Mathematical Reviews identifier


Online Computer Library Center number


Open Library identifier


Office of Scientific and Technical Information identifier


PubMed Center article number


PubMed Unique Identifier


Request for Comments number


Social Science Research Network


Zentralblatt MATH journal identifier

URL statusurl-status

If set to 'live', the title display is adjusted; useful for when the URL is archived preemptively but still live. Set to "dead" or 'usurped' for broken links. Entering 'unfit' or 'usurped' makes the original link not appear at all.

Suggested values
dead live usurped unfit deviated
طے شدہ
'dead' if an Archive URL is entered
'dead' or 'live'
Archive URLarchive-url

The URL of an archived copy of a web page, if or in case the URL becomes unavailable; requires 'archive-date'

یو آر ایلاختیاری
Archive datearchive-date

Date when the original URL was archived; do not wikilink

Quotequote quotation

Relevant text quoted from the source; displays last, enclosed in quotes; needs to include terminating punctuation


An anchor identifier; can be made the target of wikilinks to full references; special value 'harv' generates an anchor suitable for the harv template


The closing punctuation for the citation; ignored if 'quote' is defined

طے شدہ
Author maskauthor-mask

Replaces the name of the first author with em dashes or text; set to a numeric value 'n' to set the dash 'n' em spaces wide; set to a text value to display the text without a trailing author separator; for example, 'with' instead

Display authorsdisplay-authors display-subjects

number of authors to display before 'et al.' is used; default is to do so after 8 of 9 are listed; alias of 'displayauthors'

طے شدہ
Last name 2last2 author2 surname2 author-last2 author2-last subject2

The surname of the second author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link2'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional authors

First name 2first2 given2 author-first2 author2-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the second author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional authors

Last name 3last3 author3 surname3 author-last3 author3-last subject3

The surname of the third author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link3'.

First name 3first3 given3 author-first3 author3-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the third author; don't wikilink.

Last name 4last4 author4 surname4 author-last4 author4-last subject4

The surname of the fourth author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link4'.

First name 4first4 given4 author-first4 author4-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the fourth author; don't wikilink.

Last name 5last5 author5 surname5 author-last5 author5-last subject5

The surname of the fifth author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link5'.

First name 5first5 given5 author-first5 author5-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the fifth author; don't wikilink.

Last name 6last6 author6 surname6 author-last6 author6-last subject6

The surname of the sixth author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link6'.

First name 6first6 given6 author-first6 author6-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the sixth author; don't wikilink.

Last name 7last7 author7 surname7 author-last7 author7-last subject7

The surname of the seventh author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link7'.

First name 7first7 given7 author-first7 author7-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the seventh author; don't wikilink.

Last name 8last8 author8 surname8 author-last8 author8-last subject8

The surname of the eighth author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link8'.

First name 8first8 given8 author-first8 author8-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the eighth author; don't wikilink.

Last name 9last9 author9 surname9 author-last9 author9-last subject9

The surname of the ninth author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link9'.

First name 9first9 given9 author-first9 author9-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the ninth author; don't wikilink.

Name list stylename-list-style

Set to 'amp' or 'and' to change the separator between the last two names of the name list to ' & ' or ' and ', respectively. Set to 'vanc' to display name lists in Vancouver style.
