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Template meant to be used in the "women by country" series of articles.

Blank template

{{Infobox women by region
| image    = <!-- -->
| caption  = <!--  -->
| gii      = <!-- Gender Inequality Index, value and year, e.g. "0.610 (2012)" -->
| gii_rank = <!-- Gender Inequality Index, rank -->
| gii_ref  = <!-- Gender Inequality Index, source; for 2014 <ref name=gii>{{cite web|title=Table 4: Gender Inequality Index|url=|publisher=United Nations Development Programme|accessdate=7 November 2014}}</ref> -->
| matdeath = <!-- Maternal mortality rate, per 100,000 -->
| womparl  = <!-- Women in national parliament, percent -->
| femed    = <!-- Females over 25 with secondary education, percent -->
| womlab   = <!-- Women in labour force, percent -->
| ggg      = <!-- Global Gender Gap, value and year, e.g. "0.6442 (2013)" -->
| ggg_rank = <!-- Global Gender Gap, rank -->
| ggg_ref  = <!-- Global Gender Gap, source; for 2013 <ref name="ggr">{{cite web|title=The Global Gender Gap Report 2013|url=|publisher=World Economic Forum|pages=12-13}}</ref> -->