عزالدین ایبک [dn 1] ( عربی: عز الدين أيبك) ( تخصیص: الملک المعز عز الدین ایبک الجوشنگیر الترکمانی الصالحی) ترک بحری مملوک سلسلے میں مصر کے مملوک سلطانوں میں سے پہلا تھا۔ [dn 2] [dn 3] [dn 4] [1] اس نے سنہ 1250ء سے لے کر سنہ 1257ء میں اپنی موت تک حکومت کی۔

حوالہ جات ترمیم

  1. The name Aybeg or Aibak or Aybak is a combination of two Turkic words, "Ay" = Moon and "Beg" or variant "Bak" = Emir in Arabic. -(Al-Maqrizi, Note p.463/vol.1 )
  2. Though Aybak is regarded by historian as a Mamluk, he actually served in the court of as-Salih Ayyub as an Emir/military commander and not as a Mamluk.- Shayal, p. 153/ vol.2- Al-Maqrizi, p. 463/vol.1 – According to Ibn Taghri as-Salih Ayyub bought him before he became a Sultan and he promoted him to the position an Emir. The rank which Aybak used was of a Khawanja (خوانجا Sultan's accountant ). Ibn Taghri, PP.103-273/ The Sultanate of al-Muizz Aybak al-Turkumani.
  3. Some historians, however, consider Shajar Adurr as the first of the Mamluk Sultans. Shayal, p.115/vol.2.
  4. Al-Maqrizi, also, described Shajar Adurr as the first of the Mamluk sultans of Turkic origin. al-Maqrizi, p.459/ vol.1
  1. Encyclopædia Britannica Online – Aybak article. web page