Hi Alnokta! Nice to see you on Urdu wikipedia. As you mentioned about the similarity of characters of urdu with arabic is because of the fact that, like Farsi, urdu derives not only its script but also the vocabulary from the arabic. You may have seen while looking at urdu wiki that although the characters are same as of arabic but urdu does not make sense to an arabic speaker coz the grammar is different. As you showed your interest in learning urdu, the best way is that you buy a good book of urdu learning. There should be many in arabic and english also, as a suggestion I am writing the name of a book below

  • Teach Yourself Urdu (Teach Yoursel series)

David Matthews and Mohamed Kasim Dalvi

ISBN: 0071420193 / 9780071420198

  • Another way is that you can ask questions here on wikipedia and we can explain you about your questions. You can do this here on your own User page.
  • There are not good sites on Urdu learning online, but if you search --- Lear Urdu --- in Yahoo, you can find many sites. Some are as below.
  1. This is the link of BBC Urdu, you can download the Urdu font from the Yellow link at the upper left corner
  2. Site One
  3. Site two
  4. Site three

I think there should be many more if you search on the net. Please feel free to ask anything if you need any further information.

Urdu wikipedia.

Thanks a lot for your reply! perhaps you can make a WikiBook on learning Urdu?--Alnokta 11:23, 26 اپريل 2007 (UTC)

  • Nice to see you here again. Yes we are working on a good Urdu learning wiki book. samarqandi

Where I can find it?--Alnokta 14:59, 22 مئی 2007 (UTC)

  • Still in the process of development, maybe after 6 months it will be online, in the mean time you can ask whatever you need to know.

ok :)

what is the meaning of تبادلۂ خیال ؟ is تبادلئ like exchange? and خيال imagination ? thanks --Alnokta 13:32, 26 مئی 2007 (UTC)

  • You got it! this is what these words mean, so when combine تبادلۂ خیال express the idea of exchange of thoughts or imaginations, and as you can IMAGINE it is used for talk or کلام ۔

Nice! :)