Anwar ziad karvan
_GRADUATIONS _ completed middle class8 in 1989 at govt high school bikcet gunj no2 Mardan Primary school from class 2 to class 4 was done in primary school near sarhadi yateen khana Shamsi Rd mardan and plagroup to 1 class was done in govt school no 2 mardan Khas opposite govt high school no3 mardan
after Graguation anwar ziad work with his father in funiture shop in judge
bazaar in 1992
from jun 6 1992 to sep 8 1998
working as a painting artist famous
by nicked named AAKAASH as well as wellknown employe at daily newspaper showbiz paper MOVIES published from karachi as well as KHABRAIN publish from islamabad\peshawar
daily buisness paper and BUISNESS
Times published from islamabad news paper
daily news paper SHAMAAL published from swat\abotabad And daily news paper MARKAZ Published by islamabad
Date of birth
ترمیم1 January 1974
Anwar ziad
ترمیمanwar ziad YouTube and resucher and artist 2402:E000:627:59ED:0:0:0:1 08:33، 23 دسمبر 2023ء (م ع و)
Anwar ziad karvanwas born baricham hoti mardan 1jan.1974
ترمیم@Anwar ziad karvan 2402:E000:627:59ED:0:0:0:1 08:34، 23 دسمبر 2023ء (م ع و)
About his work
ترمیمHe used to work as a professional artist and work as showbiz reporter as well as work on social media named Az present on youtube
and 12:27، 23 دسمبر 2023ء (م ع و)
Gives pride of performance awards
ترمیمanwar ziad gives award to certain people such as poets shobiz and relegious people 12:44، 23 دسمبر 2023ء (م ع و)
تنقید برائے حذف
ترمیم--Anwar ziad karvan (تبادلۂ خیال • شراکتیں) 20:46، 28 دسمبر 2023ء (م ع و)àñŵàŕźíàď
- کیا آپ اپنے کھاتے سے تشہیر بازی کرنا بند کریں گے؟ یہ ویکیپیڈیا ہے جو کہ ایک دائرتہ المعارف ہے اور یہاں علم کو معتبر ذرائع ابلاغ کے حوالوں کے ساتھ دنیا بھر کے لوگوں کے لیے مدون کیا جاتا ہے۔ ─ عافیؔ (تبادلۂ خیال) 21:10، 28 دسمبر 2023ء (م ع و)