"روضہ بل" کے نسخوں کے درمیان فرق
حذف شدہ مندرجات اضافہ شدہ مندرجات
کوئی خلاصۂ ترمیم نہیں (ٹیگ: ترمیم از موبائل موبائل ویب ترمیم) |
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سطر 1:
[[فائل:Rozabal.JPG|تصغیر|300px|مزار روضہ بل]]
'''روضہ بل''' [[سری نگر]] [[کشمیر]] میں واقع ایک مزار کا نام ہے۔<ref>Ghulām Muhyi'd Dīn Sūfī Kashīr, being a history of Kashmir from the earliest times to our own 1974 – Volume 2 – Page 520 "Bal, in Kashmiri, means a place and is applied to a bank, or a landing place."</ref><ref>B. N. Mullik – My years with Nehru: Kashmir – Volume 2 1971 – Page 117 "Due to the presence of the Moe-e-Muqaddas on its bank the lake gradually acquired the name Hazratbal (Bal in Kashmiri means lake) and the mosque came to be known as the Hazratbal Mosque. Gradually the present Hazratbal village grew ..."</ref><ref>Nigel B. Hankin ''Hanklyn-janklin: a stranger's rumble-tumble guide to some words'' 1997 Page 125 (Although bal means hair in Urdu, in this instance the word is Kashmiri for a place – Hazratbal – the revered place.) HAZRI n Urdu Lit. presence, attendance. In British days the word acquired the meaning to Europeans and those associated with ..."</ref><ref>Andrew Wilson The Abode of Snow: Observations on a Journey from Chinese Tibet to ... 1875 reprint 1993– Page 343 Bal means a place, and Ash is the satyr of Kashmir traditions."</ref><ref>Parvéz Dewân Parvéz Dewân's Jammû, Kashmîr, and Ladâkh: Kashmîr – 2004 Page 175 "Manas means 'mountain' and 'bal' means 'lake' (or even 'place'). Thus, the ..."</ref> مقامی لوگوں کے مطابق یہاں مقامی صوفی مصنف [[یوضا آصف]] اور ایک مسلم میر سید نصیر الدین مدفن ہیں۔ 1899ء میں [[احمدیہ]] کے بانی [[مرزا غلام احمد]] کے اس دعوے سے کہ یہ [[احمدیہ میں عیسیٰ|عیسی مسیح]] کا مزار ہے، خاصا معروف ہوا۔<ref>J. Gordon Melton ''The Encyclopedia of Religious Phenomena'' 2007 "Ahmad specifically repudiated Notovitch on Jesus' early travels to India, but claimed that Jesus did go there late in His life. The structure identified by Ahmad as Jesus' resting place is known locally as the Roza Bal (or Rauza Bal)."</ref> احمدیہ جماعت ابھی تک اپنے اس دعوے پر قائم ہے، اگرچہ سنی و شیعہ مسلمان اس سے اتفاق نہیں کرتے۔ اُن کے مطابق یہ عقیدہ رکھنا کہ عیسی زمین میں کہیں مدفن ہیں توہین اسلام کے زمرے میں آتا ہے۔<ref>Times of India [http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2010-05-08/india/28322287_1_srinagar-shrine-jesus Tomb Raider: Jesus buried in Srinagar?] {{wayback|url=http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2010-05-08/india/28322287_1_srinagar-shrine-jesus |date=20130710063559 }} 8 May 2010 "One of the caretakers of the tomb, Mohammad Amin, alleged that they were forced to padlock the shrine ... He believed that the theory that Jesus is buried anywhere on the face of the earth is blasphemous to [[اسلام|Islam]]."</ref>
== عمارت ==