
Mail hosting is called the domain where users who actively receive hosting services host an email account. It allows the user to open e-mail accounts depending on the domain they have received.

First of all, mail hosting is the name given to the cheap email hosting service that is taken to perform the hosting process in terms of mail service. Especially, it is a type of hosting preferred by people or institutions that perform a lot of mail transactions and want to take part in the hosting space in the future.

Regarding mail hosting, it is seen that many companies in our country and the world offer mail hosting services to meet the needs of high-size email hosting UK.

The difference of mail hosting from other types of hosting is the possibility of using it only for mail transactions. Companies offer mail hosting sizes to individuals or institutions in various ways. Thus, there is the possibility of receiving mail hosting services of any size you wish.

We exchange a lot of information every day, and in our work processes, we mainly use email for this. We share useful information with colleagues, send documents, files, and memos, arrange meeting times ... Whether public mail services can cope with these tasks, or is it preferable to set up your mail server for the organization - let's talk in this article.

What is a mail server and how does it work


Imagine that your friend lives in another city and you want to wish him a Happy New Year. You buy a postcard, sign it, put it in an envelope with a friend's mailing address, and carry the envelope to the post office. The post office accepts the envelope and sends it to the specified address. A friend receives an envelope, opens it, sees a postcard, and rejoices.

In our holiday story, the role of the envelope was played by the mail client (the program in which you work with mail). Like envelopes, there are different mail clients: Microsoft Outlook, Thunderbird, Mail bird, Touch Mail, The Bat! Etc. At first glance, an episodic, but significant role of the post office went to the mail server. The server, like the post office, processes all letters that we send and receive. Here are some popular mail servers: Gmail (mail from Google), Yandex, and Mail.ru.

A mail server is a program that transfers messages from one computer to another.

Certain protocols are used to send and receive letters:


·        Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, SMTP.

·        Sends a letter to the mail server.

·        Post Office Protocol 3, POP3.

·        Accepts a letter from the mail server and sends it to the recipient.

·        Internet Message Access Protocol, IMAP.

Like POP3, it extracts a message from the mail server, but this protocol is more modern and convenient. The main difference is that IMAP works with mail directly on the server, while POP3 downloads incoming messages from the server and stores them locally.

This is how sending a message from one user to another looks like (the diagram is simplified, but it allows you to visualize the process):

3 solutions for organizing corporate mail


Creating your mail server for sending and collecting mail is not the only solution. You can organize corporate mail in other ways. The choice of the method depends on the scale of your business, its focus, and the budget that you are ready to allocate for servicing mail.

1. Free e-mail registered with public postal service. We usually use such e-mail in everyday life: for personal correspondence, subscription to mailing lists, registration in various services, etc.

The box looks like mail@yandex.ru, mail@gmail.com, mail@mail.ru, etc.

Simple and functional interface;

Free use of the service;

No need to configure resource records (but if you want to apply your settings, then this item grows from plus to minus).



Limited mail quota (this is the disk space on the server allocated for your mail);

Most beautiful names are taken (for example, first name + last name);

It is difficult to emphasize a brand or designate a mailbox belonging to a particular company;

Unsafe (for example, upon dismissal, an employee may change the password for the mailbox with which he worked, and the company may lose access to important data).

2. Mail on the domain. You can register a domain that matches your company name and use it to create mailboxes in any service that provides a domain mail service. So, the name of the mailbox will end with the name of the company, and begin with anything: the name of the department, the last name and first name of the employee, etc.

The box looks like mail@yourdomain.ru

Most of the services provide the mail service for free, you pay only for the domain;

Work with correspondence both in the web interface and in any convenient mail client;

Wide functionality available immediately after creating a mailbox: antispam, increasing the mail quota, setting filters, forwarding, collecting mail, etc.



Lack of the ability to fine-tune the server "for yourself"

In the event of server failures, you cannot influence their elimination.

3. Your mail server. It's like mail for the domain, which is described in the previous paragraph, only the extended version - you configure not only the domain but also the server itself.

Flexible configuration of the server to suit your needs: backup, access restriction, rules for sending and deleting letters, white and blacklists, etc.

Monitoring of server operation and access to logs (for example, if the letter is not delivered, you can find the reason and solve the problem);

Control of server operation and reliability.



Material costs for the purchase or rental of the necessary equipment;

Technical knowledge (you will need a specialist with Linux or Windows server administration skills to set up the server).

Which companies need a mail server?


Having an idea of ​​what mail servers are and what they are for, you can already conclude whether your company needs a mail server. First of all, it is important to determine what role mail plays in your workflows, estimate the expected load on mail, as well as how much money and time you can spend on the project.

It is worth paying attention to the number of employees in the company. For example, for a small team of 10-20 people, I recommend creating mail on a domain, placing it on the servers of mail service or hosting. Why not standard mail? Because an email address with a unique domain has a positive effect on the company's reputation, creates more trust and is easier to remember, and also allows the manager to keep the work of departments under control. Among the types of corporate mail, the mail server is more suitable for an organization or an enterprise - medium or large.