معاونت:پڑھنا لکھنا دشوار (HAL X11)

  • اگر آپ یہ اردو الفاظ ٹھیک پڑھ سکتے ہیں تو پھر اردو فونٹ آپ کے کمپیوٹر پر نصب ہوگیا ہے یا پہلے سے ہی موجود ہے ۔اس لئے آپ کو "فونٹ کی تنصیب" سے متعلق مندرجہ ذیل ہدایات پر عمل کرنے کی ضرورت نہیں۔
  • اگر آپ کو اردو لکھنے بارے معلومات چاہیے ہیں تو نیچے "اردو سہولت مجازی" بارے ہدایات دیکھیں۔
  • اس صفحہ کے آخر میں مفید ربط بھی دیے ہیں۔


فونٹ کی تنصیب Install font


اردو کلیدی تختہ تنصیب \ Install Urdu keyboard

NOTE: This section describes keyboard configuration via the HAL interface which is used by newer distros.

The older distros generally use configuration via for keyboard control configuration file "xorg.conf" for which see معاونت:پڑھنا لکھنا دشوار (X11).

مرکز تحقیقات اردو کے اردو صوتی کلیدی تختہ کا نقشہ / CRULP phonetic Urdu keyboard layout v1.0
فائل:CRULP Phonetic Urdu Keyboard V1.0 No Shift.png
SHIFT کلید کے بغیر
فائل:CRULP Phonetic Urdu Keyboard V1.0 Shift.png
SHIFT کلید کے ساتھ

..................................................... یہاں اردو میں ...........................................................

اردو کلیدی تختہ مجاز \ Enable Urdu keyboard


  • Copy the file /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/10-keymap.fdi to the directory /etc/hal/fdi/policy.
cp /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/10-keymap.fdi  /etc/hal/fdi/policy/.

After the copy, open the file "10-keymap.fdi" in a text editor and locate the section below:

    <!-- Edit (as needed) these four lines in the copied fdi file -->
      <merge key="input.xkb.rules" type="string">base</merge>
      <merge key="input.xkb.model" type="string">evdev</merge>
      <merge key="input.xkb.layout" type="string">us</merge>
      <merge key="input.xkb.variant" type="string" />

Change the above section to look like below:

     <!-- Edit (as needed) these four lines in the copied fdi file -->
      <merge key="input.xkb.rules" type="string">base</merge>
      <merge key="input.xkb.model" type="string">evdev</merge>
      <merge key="input.xkb.layout" type="string">us,pk</merge>
      <merge key="input.xkb.variant" type="string" />
      <merge key="input.xkb.options" type="string">grp:shifts_toggle</merge>

In the Xkb.layout option we have specified the Urdu (pk) keyboard along with English (us). The hotkey to toggle between the two layouts is "presss both shift-keys" at the same time.

If you would, for example, like to use the NLA variant of the urdu pk kbd, the above section should look like the following (addition of Xkb.Variant option):

     <!-- Edit (as needed) these four lines in the copied fdi file -->
      <merge key="input.xkb.rules" type="string">base</merge>
      <merge key="input.xkb.model" type="string">evdev</merge>
      <merge key="input.xkb.layout" type="string">us,pk</merge>
      <merge key="input.xkb.variant" type="string">",urd-nla"</merge>
      <merge key="input.xkb.options" type="string">grp:shifts_toggle</merge>

The possible layout variants for pk are "urd-phonetic", "urd-crulp", and "urd-nla".


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Some desktop environments e.g., LXDE, Xfce, have been translated into Urdu. If you would like to use the GUI in Urdu, you can set your locale accordingly. The following env variable has to be set
export LANG=ur_PK.UTF-8
On Slackware, the above line will go into the file /etc/profile.d/lang.sh
Other distros, may use a different location or provide a GUI way of choosing a locale. To get a taste of Urdu GUI, in a terminal start an app (which has an Urdu translation available) as follows:
$ LANG=ur_PK.UTF-8; lxterminal
where "lxterminal" is an app of LXDE.



حوالہ جات References
