"آندرے ژید" کے نسخوں کے درمیان فرق
حذف شدہ مندرجات اضافہ شدہ مندرجات
م خودکار صفائی+صفائی (14.9 core) |
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سطر 13:
* Website of the [http://www.fondation-catherine-gide.org ''Catherine Gide Foundation''], held by Catherine Gide, his daughter.
* [http://www.andregide.org Center for Gidian Studies] {{wayback|url=http://www.andregide.org/ |date=20171016085651 }}
* [http://www.gidiana.net/ Amis d'André Gide] ''in French''
* [http://www.gidiana.net/GA.htm Period newspaper articles on Gide] ''interface in French''
* [http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/1947/ Andre Gide, 1947 Nobel Laureate for Literature]
* [http://www.ljhammond.com/classics/cl3.htm#gide André Gide: A Brief Introduction]
* [http://www.societe-jersiaise.org/whitsco/mader1.htm Gide at Maderia in Jersey, 1901–7] {{wayback|url=http://www.societe-jersiaise.org/whitsco/mader1.htm |date=20071006001903 }}
* [[wikilivres:André Gide|Works by André Gide]] (public domain in Canada)