20000 (عدد) یعنی 20,000 (عدد) ایک عدد اور ایک علامت ہے۔ کچھ عددی نظاموں میں 19,999 سے بڑا یا زیادہ اور 20,001 سے چھوٹا یا کم ہوتا ہے۔ گنتی میں اسے بیس ہزار بولا جاتا ہے۔ اور اس سے پہلے انیس ہزار نو سو نینانوے اور اس کے بعد بیس ہزار ایک بولا جاتا ہے۔

19999 20000 20001
لفظیtwenty هزار
(twenty هزارth)
اجزائے ضربی25× 54
مقسوم علیہ1, 20000
رومن عددXX
یکرمزی علامات
اثنا عشریB6A812
ستہ عشری4E2016
اساس بیس2A0020
اساس چھتیسFFK36

20000 تا 29999 کے خاص اعداد

  • 20000round number; also in the title of جولس ورن's novel 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea
  • 20081 – Motorola 68K instruction for no operation (NOP)
  • 20100 – sum of the first 200 natural numbers (hence a triangular number)
  • 20160highly composite number; the smallest order belonging to two non-isomorphic simple groups: the alternating group A8 and the Chevalley group A2(4)
  • 20161 – the largest integer that cannot be expressed as a sum of two زائد عددs
  • 20230pentagonal pyramidal number
  • 20412Leyland number
  • 20540square pyramidal number
  • 20569tetranacci number
  • 20736 – 124, 1000012, palindromic in base 15 (622615)
  • 20903 – first prime of form 120k+23 that is not a full reptend prime
  • 21025 – 1452, palindromic in base 12 (1020112
  • 21147Bell number
  • 21181 – one of six remaining Seventeen or Bust numbers in the Sierpinski problem
  • 21856octahedral number
  • 21952 – 283
  • 21978 – reverses when multiplied by 4
  • 22050 – pentagonal pyramidal number
  • 22140 – square pyramidal number
  • 22222Kaprekar number
  • 22447cuban prime
  • 22527Woodall number
  • 22699 – one of six remaining Seventeen or Bust numbers in the Sierpinski problem
  • 23401 – Leyland number
  • 23409 – sum of the cubes of the first 17 positive integers
  • 23497 – cuban prime
  • 23821 – square pyramidal number
  • 23969 – octahedral number
  • 23976 – pentagonal pyramidal number
  • 24211 – Zeisel number
  • 24336 – 1562, palindromic in base 5: 12343215
  • 24389 – 293
  • 24571 – cuban prime
  • 24601Jean Valjean's prisoner number in بدنصیب (ناول)
  • 24631Wedderburn-Etherington number
  • 24649 – 1572, palindromic in base 12: 1232112
  • 24737 – one of six remaining Seventeen or Bust numbers in the Sierpinski problem
  • 25011 – the first composite number that in base 10 remains composite after any insertion of a digit
  • 25085Zeisel number
  • 25117 – cuban prime
  • 25200 – highly composite number
  • 25205 – largest number whose factorial is less than 10100000
  • 25585 – square pyramidal number
  • 26214 – octahedral number
  • 26227 – cuban prime
  • 26861 – smallest number below which there are more primes of the form 4k + 1 than of the form 4k + 3
  • 26896 – 1642, palindromic in base 9: 408049
  • 27000 – 303
  • 27434 – square pyramidal number
  • 27559 – Zeisel number
  • 27648 – 11*22*33*44
  • 27720 – highly composite number; smallest number divisible by the numbers 1 to 12 (there is no smaller number divisible by the numbers 1 to 11)
  • 27846 – harmonic divisor number
  • 28158 – pentagonal pyramidal number
  • 28374 – smallest integer to start a run of six consecutive integers with the same number of divisors
  • 28561 – 134, 1192 + 1202, number that is simultaneously a square number and a centered square number, palindromic in base 12: 1464112
  • 28595 – octahedral number
  • 28657 – Fibonacci number, Markov number
  • 28900 – 1702, palindromic in base 13: 1020113
  • 29241 – sum of the cubes of the first 18 positive integers
  • 29341Carmichael number
  • 29370 – square pyramidal number
  • 29791 – 313

حوالہ جات
