خرد اقوام جنہیں ماڈل ممالک یا نئے چھوٹے ممالک بھی کہا جاتا ہے یہ وہ ممالک ہوتے ہیں جنہیں کسی وجہ سے تسلیم نہیں کیا جا سکتا یا یہ کسی بین الاقوامی قوانین کے تحت اقوام بنے کے قانون پر پورے نہیں اترتے۔

درج ذیل میں ایسے تمام ممالک کی فہرست موجود ہے۔

ممالک / ریاست جھنڈا(اگر موجود ہو تو) قیام تفصیل بانی رقبہ آبادی
سلطنت ایریکان سلطنت ایریکان کا پرچم 1987 ایرک لیس کی طرف سے قائم کیا گیا اور کئی دہایوں تک ایک بچے کے طور پر خیال رکھا۔ ایرک لیس
ایٹرنا لوسینا 1978 ایک خود ساختہ علاقہ نیو ساؤتھ ویلز م، آسٹریلیا میں کیا گیا ہے۔ جو مختلف جائیداوں کے مالک نے کیا ہے۔ بل بیرین نومین 14 مربع کلومیٹر
اخزیو لینڈ 1970 اسرائیلی حکومت کی طرف سے اس کے غیر قانونی گھر کو دو بلڈوزروں کی طرف تباہ کیا گیا تھا جس کے بعد سے اس نے ایک نئے ملک کی بنیاد رکھی۔ اس کے ریاست کے بنے کے خلاف عدالت میں کیس دائر کیا گیا لیکن عدالت نے اس کیس کو خارج کر دیا۔ اب یہ شخص اسرائیل کی ریاست سے اس کی قانونی حثیت تسلیم کروانے کے لیے جدوجہد کر رہا ہے۔ ایلی اوی وی
آراموانہ 1980 نیوزی لینڈ موجود ایک چھوٹی کمیونیٹی ہے جس نے خود کو الگ اور آزاد ملک ڈکلیر کیا ہے۔
اٹلانٹم سانچہ:Country data Atlantium 1981 ایک عالمی گروپ نے سڈنی آسٹریلیا میں قائم کیا جورج کورس شنک 0.76 km2 (0.29 sq mi)
آسٹینسیا 2008 ایک آئینی بادشاہت جو دنیا بھر میں مختلف پروپرٹیوں پر قائم کی گئی ہے۔ جانھتن آسٹرن
اوورام 1980s تسمانیہ آسٹریلیا میں قائم کیا گیا۔ جان کارلٹن رڈ
برطانوی مغربی فلودیڈا 2005 ایک سابقہ برطانوی کالونی پر قائم کیا گیا بو رجسٹرار
بمبونگا 1976 ایک آسٹریلو فارم پر قائم کیا گیا۔ ایلکس بیک اسٹون
جمہوریہ کونچ 1982 پروٹیسٹوں کے ایک گروپ نے امریکا میں قائم کیا ڈینس واڈلو
سلطنت کوپمین 2003 کاراواب پارک نارتھ فلوک برطانیہ میں قائم کیا گیا نک کوپمین
کورل سمندری جزائر 2004 آسٹریلو ریاست کوئس لینڈ میں گے لوگوں کے حقوق کے لیے قائم کیا گیا۔ ڈیل انڈیوسن
ایلوئر 1944 ڈینمارک کے جزیرہ میں اسکول کے ٹیچروں نے سمر کیمپ میں قائم کیا۔
اینکلیوا 2015 سربیا اور کروشیا کی سرحد کے قریب کے متنازع علاقے پر قائم کیا گیا۔ بادشاہ اینکلو اول
اینکیو 1994 مارشل جزائر کے پاس قائم کیا گیا لیکن غیر قانونی طور پر پاسپورٹ اور ویزا کی فروخت اور ان کے غیر قانونی استعمال کے الزام میں ختم کر دیا گیا
فلیٹینو 2011 اٹلی کہ ایک ناظم لوکا سیلاری نے اٹلی کے قانون سے تنگ ہوگر ایک چھوٹے سے قصبے جس کی آبادی 550 ہے کو آزاد ڈکلیر کر دیا اور اب وہ اپنی خود کی کرنسی بھی چھاپتے ہیں۔
فلینڈریسیس 2008 آسٹریلیا کے قریب انٹارکٹیکا کے کچھ علاقوں پر حق تسلیم کرتے ہوئے قائم کیا گیا۔ نیسل ورمیچس
سلطنت فورویک 2008 اسکاٹ لینڈ اور ڈینمارک کے درمیان ایک جزیرے پر قائم کیا گیا اسٹورٹ ہل
جمہوریہ فری ڈونیا 1826 میکسکو کی حکومت کے ٹیکس سے چھٹکارا حاصل کرنے کے لیے قائم کیا گیا
سلطنت فریڈونیا 1997 امریکی نوجوانوں کے ایک گروپ نے قائم کیا جان الیگزینڈر کیلی
فری ٹاؤن 1971 Christiania, also known as Freetown Christiania (Danish: Fristaden Christiania) is a self-proclaimed autonomous neighbourhood of about 850 residents, covering 34 ہیکٹر (84 acre) in the borough of Christianshavn in the Danish capital کوپن ہیگن.[1]
فریسٹونیا 1977 Freston Road in west لندن staged a "secession" from the برطانیہ as Frestonia. In a legal dispute regarding the unauthorised performance of his play The Immortalist, Heathcote Williams won a ruling from the UK courts that Frestonia was for this purpose not part of the UK.[2]
گانیکھ 1974 The 1970s saw a number of highly publicized confrontations between the U.S. government and ریاستہائے متحدہ میں مقامی امریکی, such as the Oglala Lakotas' standoff at Wounded Knee and the Alcatraz occupation. Another clash occurred at Moss Lake in upstate نیویارک. After the federal Indian Claims Commission refused to consider compensation to the Mohawk Nation, saying that its jurisdiction only covered western tribes, a group of Mohawk activists declared 600 acres near Moss Lake the sovereign Mohawk territory of Ganienkeh, and further laid claim to all of northeastern New York. After a firefight between the Mohawks and local vigilantes, the state government started eviction proceedings. When the federal courts refused to hear the matter, Assistant State Attorney General Mario Cuomo was dispatched to negotiate a settlement. In May 1977, the Mohawks accepted a smaller land grant and the crisis was ended.[3][4]
جمہوریہ گلیشئر 2014 Founded by گرین پیس activists in a disputed border region of the سلسلہ کوہ انڈیز between چلی and ارجنٹائن, for the purpose of drawing attention to Chile's lack of environmental protection for glaciers.[5][6]
عالمی امن ملک 2000 "A country without borders for peace loving people everywhere" created by مہا رشی مہیش یوگی, with capitals at MERU, Holland and مہاریشی Vedic سٹی، آئیووا.[7] مہاراجہ ادھیراج راجا رام
حجدوکا جمہوریہ میجاتا ٹومیکا 2002 A protest project (based on Vran mountain, in Blidinje Nature Park, بوسنیا و ہرزیگووینا) started by a local because of inefficiency of problems with the local electricity supply.[8] ماریجا ویکوجا
جمہوریہ خلیچ ہاؤٹ mid-1980s A tongue-in-cheek micronation created to promote tourism in Hout Bay, a suburb of کیپ ٹاؤن, جنوبی افریقا. Local business and the Hout Bay لائنز کلب انٹرنیشنل and Rotary clubs sold official-looking passports to raise money for charities. There are urban legends that people were able to convince immigration officers around the world to stamp these passports.[9]
انسانیت 1878 A former micronation, occupying the جزائر سپراٹلی, which merged into the Republic of Morac-Songhrati-Meads in September 1963.[10][11] جیمز جارج میڈز
ہٹ دریا 1970 A large farming area in مغربی آسٹریلیا that unilaterally seceded from the Commonwealth and declared itself to be a sovereign nation. It was known as the Hutt River Province until 2007.[12]:22 لیونارڈ کیسلی 75 km2
ایکاریہ 1912 Icaria is a Greek island in the eastern Aegean. Tensions in the region were high during the early twentieth century. The سلطنت عثمانیہ were in retreat everywhere, the newly independent nations of the بلقان were united against them, and اطالیہ had in 1911 declared war, seizing لیبیا. In 1912, the Italians swept the Aegean of Ottoman warships and seized رودوش. The inhabitants of Icaria took advantage of the war to declare themselves independent on 12 July 1912. The Balkan alliance declared war in July, reducing the Ottoman holdings in Europe to a tiny foothold. The island was annexed to یونان in November.[3]
جمہوریہ جمٹ لینڈ 1963 A Swedish province, formerly a part of Norway[حوالہ درکار] ایوارٹ لجوزبرگ
کوگیل موگی 1984 A ball-shaped house built by artist Edwin Lipburger, located in the Vienna Prater.[12]:82–83 ایڈون لبرگر 7.68m in diameter 1 (in exile)
لادونیہ 1980 A micronation created by Swedish artist Lars Vilks as the home to sculptures created by him in the Kullaberg nature reserve in north-west Skåne.[12]:136
لگون جزیرہ 2005 The creation of a self-styled Grand Duke Louis, who claims that three tiny islands in a پورٹسماؤتھ pond are not owned by the local council, and so has declared them an independent state.[12]:86 لوئس اسٹفن
آنس سینٹ جین 1997 A micronation started to promote tourism in the small کیوبیک town of L'Anse-Saint-Jean.[حوالہ درکار] ڈینس ٹرمبلے
لیبر لینڈ 2015 On the official website of Liberland, it is claimed that this state came into existence due to a Croatia–Serbia border dispute.[13] وٹ جیڈسکا 7 km2
لوولی 2004 A nation created by comedian Danny Wallace as part of his BBC series, How to Start Your Own Country. Based out of Wallace's لندن flat, it was partly Internet-based, and its citizens—as they all could not live in Wallace's house—were called "Ambassadors".[حوالہ درکار] ڈینی والس ~58,165
مارلبررو 1993 A short lived micronation in Australia whose creator declared his farm an independent country to try to avoid eviction after bankruptcy. He was evicted less than a week later by police, was later prosecuted and has since abandoned any claim of independence.[14] جارج میو رہیڈ
میلہزڈک 1986 The Dominion of Melchizedek (DoM) is a micronation known largely for facilitating large scale banking fraud in many parts of the world.[15]
مرثیا 2003 The Acting Witan of Mercia is attempting to revive the اینگلو سیکسن Heptarchy-era kingdom of Mercia as an "autonomous and sustainable bioregion within an English confederation".[16] They see Mercia as having been ruled over by an authoritarian state since the Norman conquest, and believe that the برطانیہ is in illegal control of the region.[17][18][19] جیف کینٹ
منروا 1973 An attempt to build an artificial island and form a new libertarian country. The new land was located on Minerva Reef, south of Fiji, but the island was seized and annexed by Tonga shortly afterward.[12]:14 مورس سی ڈیوس
مولوسیہ 1999 A micronation founded by ریپبلک آف مولوسیا, occupying his semi-rural residential acreage in نیواڈا. It is run humorously as a dictatorial banana-republic.[20] کیون باگھ 5 (27 citizens)
Morac-Songhrati-Meads 1959 A micronation that claims to occupy the جزائر سپراٹلی. The territory is under de facto military control by چین, ملائیشیا, the فلپائن, تائیوان, and ویتنام, since the discovery of oil in 1968.[10] کرسٹوفر شنائیڈر
موراواری جمہوریہ 2013 A micronation that is the traditional homeland of an اصلی النسل آسٹریلوی قوم. It declared its independence from آسٹریلیا. About 22,500 km2 3000-4000[21]
نامی نارا جمہوریہ فائل:Naminara Republic Flag.jpg 2006 An island in the Han River in چونچیون, Gangwon-do, South Korea. Issues its own passport, currency, phone cards. Part of the movie Winter Sonata was filmed here. The island received 1.5 million visitors yearly.[حوالہ درکار]
نیو اٹوپیہ 1990s A proposed micronation based on libertarian principles to be built on platforms in the بحیرہ کیریبین. It was founded by American entrepreneur Lazarus Long. The project's status as of 2006 is in question.[12]:15 لعزر لانگ
شمالی ڈمبلنگ جزائر 1986 An island in Fishers Island Sound, Southold, New York declared independent after its owner Dean Kamen was denied permission to build a wind turbine on the island. ڈین کامین 2 acres (8,000 m2)
ریاست شمالی سوڈان 2014 The declaration of independence was made by Jeremiah Heaton, a former Democratic Party Congressional from Abingdon, Virginia, who made a 14-hour overland trek via desert caravan to a remote, disputed shard of territory between Sudan and Egypt, planted a flag, and declared it, provisionally, “The Heaton” and later, officially, on a suggestion from his children, the Kingdom of North Sudan. The piece of land in question is Bir Tawil, an 800-square-mile lozenge of desert, which is a Terra Nulilus. The reason Heaton has made himself king of North Sudan is to fulfill a promise to his seven-year-old daughter, Emily Heaton. As the self-styled monarch told the press, “Over the winter, Emily and I were playing, and she has a fixation on princesses. She asked me, in all seriousness, if she’d be a real princess someday. And I said she would.”[22] جیرمی ہیٹون
نوا روما 1998 An international organ of Roman revivalists who claim to be a modern Roman nation and have the administrative structure of the ancient رومی جمہوریہ. Nova Roma explicitly states that they aren't a micronation but a "civitas" or "res publica"; their organ, however, fits all the requirements for being classified as such.[23]
ریاست اونگال 2015[24] Three pockets along the right (western) bank of the Danube river along the Croatia-Serbia border[24]
باہری بلدونیہ ت 1950 A micronation on Outer Bald Tusket Island, نووا سکوشیا, used for seasonal fishing. It had an eccentric constitution and women were banned from the island.[حوالہ درکار] رسل ارنوڈیل 4 acres (16,000 m2) ت 69
دیگر دنیاوی ریاست 1996 An مطلق بادشاہت/matriarchy with strong BDSM themes, in which women rule over all men. It is located in the چیک جمہوریہ.[حوالہ درکار] ملکہ پیٹریکا اول
پیرلوجا 1918 Established in the aftermath of World War I, the Republic of Perloja had its own court, police, prison, currency (Perloja litas), and an army of 300 men.[25] Jonas Česnulevičius[26]
پیسنکا 1990s Peščenica is a satirical-parodical project of a dictator-ruled republic by famous Croatian maverick traveller Željko Malnar. It is located in زغرب, کرویئشا.[27] زیلجکو ملنار
جمہوریہ پلوسٹی 1870 A two-day protest against the Romanian monarchy. The plotters occupied the firehouse, the telegraph station and the post office in پلویشتی on the evening of 8 August 1870. The chief of police and the prefect were arrested. On the evening of 9 August, soldiers from Bucharest arrived at the Ploieşti train station and arrested the new "administration", most of whom declared that they were not actually revolting, thinking it was just a party. Thirty-six of the leaders of the movement were accused of "revolt against the government". The trials of the civilians who took part in the revolt were eventually moved to تیرگوویشتے and, on 17 October 1870, were found not guilty.[حوالہ درکار] ایلکزینڈریو کانڈیانو پاپسکو
دھنک کریک 1979 Founded by a farmer who "seceded" from Victoria State, Australia, over damage to farmlands caused by flooding he claimed was exacerbated due to incompetence of the state government water management agency.[12]:145 تھامس بارنس
ریڈونڈا 1865 A small uninhabited island in the Caribbean sea, now legally part of اینٹیگوا و باربوڈا. In 1865, a citizen of مانٹسریٹ was supposedly permitted by Queen Victoria to claim the title of King of ریدوندا, as long as he did not incite any revolt against colonial authority.[12]:108 میتھیو ڈوڈی شیل
ریونین 1997 A micronation founded by Brazilian law students as a political simulation. Reunion has a very active political system. It has issued passports, minted coins and is considered one of the most important Lusophone micronations. The micronation has been portrayed by the media of dozens of countries, and has been the star of a front page article of رے یونیوں newspaper, which used It to trace a parallel between its independence and the idea of having independence from فرانس.[28][29][30][31] کلوڈیو کاسترو 900(claimed)
روز جزائر 1968 An attempt to create a sovereign state on an offshore platform in international waters near the Italian city of Rimini. It was completed, but shortly afterward seized by the Italian government and destroyed with explosives.[12] جیورجیو روزا
امپریل عرش 2011 The Imperial Throne was founded by Russian businessman Anton Bakov as the "Russian Empire". By its constitution, it is a federal آئینی بادشاہت and the successor of the Empire founded by Peter I.[32][33] انتون باوک
ساگوئس 1947 An officially sanctioned tongue-in-cheek micronation located in eastern France, in the département of Doubs.[12]:122–124 جارجٹ برٹن پورشٹ
جمہوریہ وسطی سربریہ 1970 A self-proclaimed Republic by people from Sbarre district in Reggio city (southern Italy) during the Reggio revolt. This micronation disappeared after the end of the revolt.[34]
سی لینڈ شاہزادگی سیلینڈ کا پرچم 1967 A World War II military facility consisting of a man-made structure located off the English coast that was occupied and declared to be an independent state by Paddy Roy Bates.[12]:8–13 پیڈی رائے بیٹس 550 m2 4
(27 claimed)
سربوگا 954 A town in the Italian region of Liguria that claims never to have been a part of the modern Italian state.[12]:55 مارسیلو اول 15 km2 ~300
تالوسا 1979 A micronation founded as a bedroom kingdom by ملواکی (USA) resident Robert Ben Madison. Madison claims to have coined the term "مائیکرو اقوام".[nb 1][12]:101 جان وولے 13 km2 239[35]
ریاست ترنداد 1893 The Principality of Trinidad was declared in 1893, when the American James Harden-Hickey claimed the uninhabited island ٹرینداد و مارٹم واز in the South Atlantic and declared himself as James I, Prince of Trinidad.[حوالہ درکار] In July 1895, the British tried to take possession of this strategic position in the Atlantic, basing their claim on the 1700 visit by English astronomer Edmund Halley. However, Brazilian diplomatic efforts, pressed a successful claim to Brazilian sovereignty, based on the island's discovery in 1502 by Portuguese navigators. Harden-Hickey fell into deep depression and committed suicide on 9 February 1898.[حوالہ درکار] جیمز ہارڈن ہیکی
اوزوپس 1997 Užupis is a neighborhood largely located in the Old Town of ولنیس. In 1997, the residents of the area declared a Republic of Užupis, with its own flag, currency, president, and constitution.[36]
وائیکس لینڈ 2005 A micronation located in مانیٹوبا, کینیڈا that was founded for the purposes of a TV documentary about micronations. It claims two properties in and near the town of Brandon.[12]:90–93
والچیا 1997 A tongue-in-cheek micronation founded in 1997 as an "elaborate practical joke", located is in the northeast corner of the Czech Republic. It has since become one of the Czech Republic's biggest tourist attractions.[حوالہ درکار] والڈیمر دوم
وینڈ لینڈ 1980 A German anti-nuclear protest in the Wendland, reoccupied by thousands of policemen after a few weeks.[37]
ویسٹارکٹیکا 1989 Micronation founded by Travis McHenry, subsequently dubbed the Grand Duchy of Westarctica, claiming a piece of میری بیرڈ لینڈ, the last slice in Antarctica unclaimed by any nation.[38] ٹیروس میک ہینری 1,610,000 km2 0 ?
(proposed rebuilding of Byrd Station)
وہنگامومونا جمہوریہ 1989 A tongue-in-cheek micronation created as a tourism booster, and based in the rural New Zealand town of the same name. Past elected presidents have included a goat.[12]:34–37 مرٹ کنارڈ
ورٹ لینڈ 2008 Wirtland is an experiment into legitimacy and self-sustainability of a country without its own soil, which transcends national borders without breaching or lessening the sovereignty of any involved.[39]
وے 2004 Established by Paul Delprat[40] after a dispute with the local council of Mosman Municipality in Sydney[41] over the construction of a driveway into his property. شہزادہ پاؤل وے
زاکستان 2005 Based on a two-acre tract of land in باکس ایلڈر کاؤنٹی، یوٹاہ, the Republic of Zaqistan was founded by New York resident Zaq Landsberg as an "art project" to see "how far he can push the boundaries of land ownership and sovereignty."[42] 60 miles from the nearest town and 15 miles from paved road, the mostly empty lot is guarded by robot sentries and boasts a border-crossing and a supply bunker.[43] زاک لینڈزبرگ 2 acres

حوالہ جات

  1. "Farewell to Freetown"۔ the Guardian۔ London, UK۔ 30 نومبر 2015۔ 2018-12-26 کو اصل سے آرکائیو کیا گیا۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2015-12-11
  2. "The Eddie Woods Archive"۔ American Literary Studies۔ Stanford University Library۔ 6 اگست 2007۔ 2018-12-26 کو اصل سے آرکائیو کیا گیا۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2015-11-30
  3. ^ ا ب "Footnotes to History- G to J"۔ buckyogi.com۔ 2016-03-03 کو اصل سے آرکائیو کیا گیا۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2015-11-30
  4. "Information from the People of Ganienkeh"۔ ganienkeh.net۔ 2018-12-26 کو اصل سے آرکائیو کیا گیا۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2015-11-30
  5. "Chile: Activists 'create nation' to protect glaciers"۔ BBC News۔ 11 مارچ 2014۔ 2018-12-26 کو اصل سے آرکائیو کیا گیا۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2015-11-30
  6. "Greenpeace Chile plants flag in Andes to create new 'Glacier Republic'"۔ Santiago Times۔ 6 مارچ 2014۔ 2018-12-26 کو اصل سے آرکائیو کیا گیا۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2015-11-30 {{حوالہ ویب}}: استعمال الخط المائل أو الغليظ غير مسموح: |publisher= (معاونت)
  7. Jan McGirk (8 جون 2001)۔ "Yogi's disciples want to create new utopia"۔ The Independent۔ London (UK)۔ ص 17 {{حوالہ خبر}}: الوسيط |accessdate بحاجة لـ |مسار= (معاونت)
  8. "Hajduci na Vranu ljude samo po očima pamte" (بزبان کراتی). Nezavisne. Retrieved 2008-06-30.
  9. "Republic of Hout Bay"۔ Tourism Tattler۔ 2016-03-04 کو اصل سے آرکائیو کیا گیا۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2015-03-09
  10. ^ ا ب Marwyn S. Samuels, Contest for the South China Sea (1982)
  11. "The History of the Republic of Morac-Songhrati-Meads"۔ angelfire.com۔ 2018-12-26 کو اصل سے آرکائیو کیا گیا۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2015-11-30
  12. ^ ا ب پ ت ٹ ث ج چ ح خ د ڈ ذ ر​ ڑ​
  13. "About Liberland"۔ liberland.org۔ 2018-12-26 کو اصل سے آرکائیو کیا گیا۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2015-11-30
  14. "Defiant Graziers Under Arrest"۔ Sydney Morning Herald۔ 14 جون 1993 {{حوالہ خبر}}: الوسيط |accessdate بحاجة لـ |مسار= (معاونت)
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  33. Imperial Throne (Sovereign Nation); accessed 30 November 2015.(بزبان روسی)
  34. it:File:Repubblica di sbarre centrali.jpg
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  39. Fox 45 Morning News, Wirtland on FOX News آرکائیو شدہ (Date missing) بذریعہ witizens.ning.com (Error: unknown archive URL), Fox 45 Morning News (USA), 20 January 2009.
  40. Sydney Morning Herald; retrieved 10 October 2010.
  41. History of Mosman Council آرکائیو شدہ (Date missing) بذریعہ mosman.nsw.gov.au (Error: unknown archive URL), Mosman Council official website,, which lists the year of secession as 2004.
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  1. Prior to Madison's departure in 2005 the group split into a separate "Kingdom of Talossa" آرکائیو شدہ (Date missing) بذریعہ kingdomoftalossa.net (Error: unknown archive URL) and "Republic of Talossa" آرکائیو شدہ (Date missing) بذریعہ talossa.com (Error: unknown archive URL).