معاونت:بین الاقوامی اصواتی ابجدیہ برائے سنسکرت

حرف صحیحs
IPA دیوناگری IAST English approximation
[[|b]] b about
bh abhor ('h' not silent)
[[|c]] c chew
ch Churchill (stress on 'h')
[[|d̪]] d this
d̪ʱ dh roughly like old house
[[|ɖ]] roughly like border
ɖʱ ḍh roughly like birdhouse
[[|ɡ]] g again
ɡʱ gh doghouse
[[|h]] head
[[|j]] y yak
[[|d͡ʑ]] j juice
d͡ʑʱ jh roughly like hedgehog
[[|k]] k scan
kh can
[[|l]] l leaf
[[|m]] m much
[[|n]] n tenth
[[|ɳ]] roughly like burnt [1]
[[|ɲ]] ñ roughly like canyon[1]
[[|ŋ]] bank [1]
[[|p]] p span
ph pot
r r three (Scottish English)
[[|s]] s sue
[[|ʂ]] roughly like shtick
[[|ʃ]] ś sheep
[[|t̪]] t thrill (Scottish English)
t̪ʰ th roughly like math
[[|ʈ]] roughly like curt
ʈʰ ṭh roughly like courthouse
[[|ʋ]] v between wine and vine
مصوتs [1][2]
IPA دیوناگری IAST English approximation
[[|ə]] अ, प a quota
आ, पा ā bra
[[|eː]] ए, पे e Somewhat like wait
[[|i]] इ, पि i happy
[[|iː]] ई, पी ī feet
ऌ, पॢ Syllabic ‹l›: bottle
l̩ː ॡ, पॣ Long syllabic ‹l›
[[|oː]] ओ, पो o old (Irish English)
ऋ, पृ Syllabic ‹r›: better
r̩ː ॠ, पॄ Long syllabic ‹r›: bird
[[|u]] उ, पु u look
[[|uː]] ऊ, पू ū loot
əi ऐ, पै ai Somewhat like bail
əu औ, पौ au open (British English)

Other symbols
IPA دیوناگری IAST English equivalent
 ̃ nasal vowel ([ãː], [õː], etc.) [1]
[[|ˈ]] stress
(placed before stressed syllable)
  1. ^ ا ب پ ت ٹ Vowels may occur nasalized as an allophone of the nasal consonants in certain positions. See anusvara, chandrabindu.
  2. Sanskrit distinguishes between long and short vowels. Each monophthong has a long and short phoneme. The diphthongs, historically /ai, aːi, au, aːu/, also have a difference in مصوت: /e, əi, o, əu/. Vowels may rarely occur extra-long.


  • Maciej Zieba، Ulrich Stiehl (June 9, 2002)۔ "The Original Pronunciation of Sanskrit" (PDF)۔ Ulrich Stiehl۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 27 ستمبر 2011