معاونت:بین الاقوامی اصواتی ابجدیہ برائے لتھووینیائی
حوالہ جات
ترمیم- ↑ Lithuanian makes contrasts between palatalized and unpalatalized consonants. Palatalized consonants, denoted by a superscript j, [ʲ] , are pronounced with the body of the زبان (تشریح) raised toward the سخت تالو, in a manner similar to the articulation of the y sound in yes.
- ^ ا ب پ ت ٹ ث ج The phonemes /f/, /fʲ/, /ɣ/, /ɣʲ/, /x/, /xʲ/, and /ɔ/ only occur in loanwords.
- ↑ Sometimes pronounced as [[[|ɦ]]].
- ^ ا ب [ŋ] and [ŋʲ] are allophones of /n/ and /nʲ/ respectively before طبقی حروف صحیح consonants.