The charts below show the way in which the بین الاقوامی صوتیاتی ابجد (IPA) represents آئس لینڈی زبان pronunciations in Wikipedia articles.

See Icelandic phonology for a more thorough look at the sounds of Icelandic.

حرف صحیحs
معاونت:با ابجدیہ Examples English approximation
[[|c]] gys skew
[[|cʰ]] kær cute
[[|ç]] hjá hue
[[|ð]] verða weather
[[|f]] fyrir, dýpka fun
[[|ɣ]] laga (like Spanish trigo)
[[|h]] hús hop
[[|ʰc]] ekki skew (with an h sound before it)
[[|ʰk]] þakka sky (with an h sound before it)
[[|ʰp]] tappi spy (with an h sound before it)
[[|ʰt]] stutt sty (with an h sound before it)
[[|j]] jú, lagi yes
[[|k]] göng, líka sky
[[|kʰ]] koma, hver[1] kite
[[|l]] líf leap
[[|l̥]] stelpa, öll[2] (voiceless, like hl)
[[|m]] miði moon
[[|m̥]] lampi (voiceless, like hm)
[[|n]] níu noon
[[|n̥]] hnífur (voiceless, like hn)
[[|ɲ]] lengi canyon
[[|ɲ̊]] banki [ˈpauɲ̊cɪ] (voiceless, like hny)
[[|ŋ]] ungs sing
[[|ŋ̊]] þungt (voiceless, like hng)
[[|p]] böl, hjálpa, nafni spy
[[|pʰ]] páfi pie
[[|r]] rós ring (trilled)
[[|r̥]] hreinn (voiceless, like hr)
[[|s]] saga sing
[[|t]] dagur, út, öll,[2] seinna sty
[[|tʰ]] tala tie
[[|θ]] þ think
[[|v]] afi, verk very
[[|x]] sjúkt, sagt, vaxa[3] Bach
[[|xʷ]] hver[1] why (without the winewhine merger)
معاونت:با ابجدیہ Examples English approximation
[[|a]] Karl art
[[|aː]] raka father
[[|ɛ]] kenna bet
[[|ɛː]] nema bed
[[|i]] fínt, sýndi leaf
[[|iː]] líf, hlýt leave
[[|ɪ]] yi kit
[[|ɪː]] yfir, vita kid
[[|ɔ]] loft RP/Australian hot
[[|ɔː]] von RP/Australian nod
[[|œ]] dökk Somewhat like nurse
[[|œː]] öl Somewhat like fur
[[|u]] ungur boot
[[|uː]] núna food
[[|ʏ]] upp roughly like shoe, but shorter
[[|ʏː]] kul roughly like shoe
ai ætla RP right
aiː æfing pie
au sjálfur mouth
auː páfi allow
ei engi pace
eiː heim pay
ou hóll goat
ouː kólna go
øi laust roughly like Louie, but shorter
øiː auga roughly like Louie
Other symbols
معاونت:با ابجدیہ Explanation
[[|ˈ◌]] Primary stress (placed before the stressed syllable),
langur [ˈlauŋ̊kʏr̥]
  1. ^ ا ب Hver is pronounced differently depending on dialect.
  2. ^ ا ب Double ll is pronounced [tl̥], as if spelled tl.
  3. X represents the consonant cluster [ks].
  4. Vowels are usually long if they are stressed and followed by no more than one consonant double consonant. Vowel length is not صوتیہ.


  • Kristján Árnason (2011)، The Phonology of Icelandic and Faroese، Oxford University Press، ISBN:978-0-19-922931-4
  • Edmund Gussmann (2011)۔ "Getting your head around: the vowel system of Modern Icelandic" (PDF)۔ Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia۔ ج 12: 71–90۔ ISBN:978-83-232-2296-5
  • Einar Haugen (1958)۔ "The Phonemics of Modern Icelandic"۔ Language۔ ج 34 شمارہ 1: 55–88۔ DOI:10.2307/411276۔ JSTOR:411276 {{حوالہ رسالہ}}: پیرامیٹر |ref=harv درست نہیں (معاونت)