The charts below show how the بین الاقوامی صوتیاتی ابجد represents ناپولی زبان pronunciations in Wikipedia articles.

See ناپولی زبان for a more thorough look at the sounds of Neapolitan.

حرف صحیحs[1]
معاونت:با ابجدیہ Examples English approximation
[[|b]] banca; campagna; abbrile[2][3] bike
[[|d]] dint’â casa; verde[3] done (with the tongue touching the teeth)
[[|dz]] pensiero; canzone; cazetta[3][4][5] dads
[[|dʒ]] maggìa; Francia[2][3] jab
[[|f]] fatto; fernuto fast
[[|ɡ]] (ɡ)[6] gatto; negro; manco[3] gas
[[|ʝ]] famiglia; guaglione[2] roughly like yes, but stronger
[[|k]] puorco; chiesa; quanno scar
[[|l]] auciello; luglio lip or feel
[[|m]] maggìa; ammore; infierno[7] mother
[[|n]] monte; pensiero[7] nest
[[|ŋ]] songo; cinco[7] singing
[[|ɲ]] cugnato; ogne[2] roughly like canyon
[[|p]] primmo; coppia spin
[[|r]] grotta; sciore; camorra trilled r
[[|s]] sano; presenza; stato[5] sorry
[[|ʃ]] rascia; pesce; scarparo[2][5] ship
[[|t]] tanto; rete; fatto star (with the tongue touching the teeth)
[[|ts]] zùccaro; miezzo; pazienza[4] cats
[[|tʃ]] auciello; cerasa; faccia somewhat between watch and wash[8]
[[|v]] vufero; spavetto; vraccio vent
[[|z]] snodo; sdignata[5] zipper
[[|ʒ]] sbagliato; sveglia[5] vision
معاونت:با ابجدیہ Examples English approximation
[[|j]] iennaro/jennaro; auciello; cchiù you
[[|w]] fuoco; guaglione wine
معاونت:با ابجدیہ Examples English approximation
Short vowels
[[|a]] sciaurato; campagna roughly like manner (Scotland)
[[|e]] viento; pecché roughly like pay, but shorter
[[|ɛ]] spavetto; dente[10] bed
[[|ə]] nùmmero; coppia; pecché[11] again
[[|i]] primmo; insieme see, but shorter
[[|o]] compongo; coppia roughly like law (RP), but shorter
[[|ɔ]] còmmodo; Maronna[10] off
[[|u]] urdemo; nùmmero; Napule tool, but shorter
Long vowels[12]
[[|ɑː]] sciaurato; Napule father
[[|eː]] insieme; peso roughly like pay
[[|ɛː]] scena; vero bear (RP)
[[|iː]] tipo; zie see
[[|oː]] ammore; dint’ô sciore roughly like law (RP)
[[|ɔː]] soje; cose more
[[|uː]] ajute; fernuto tool
بین الاقوامی صوتیاتی ابجد
معاونت:با ابجدیہ Examples English approximation
[[|ˈ]] cozze /ˈkɔttsə/ primary stress, as in bottle
[[|ˌ]] lievemente /ˌljevəˈmɛndə/ secondary stress, as in intonation


  1. If a consonant is doubled after a vowel, it is geminated; all consonants can be geminated except for /z/ and /ʒ/. In بین الاقوامی صوتیاتی ابجد, gemination can be represented either by doubling the consonant (fatto /ˈfattə/, miezzo /ˈmjettsə/) or by the length marker ‹ [[|ː]] ›. Neapolitan, like standard اطالوی زبان, also has a sandhi phenomenon called syntactic gemination, usually represented graphically: e.g. è ssoje /ɛ sˈsɔːjə/.
  2. ^ ا ب پ ت ٹ /b/, /dʒ/, /ʝ/, /ɲ/ and /ʃ/ are always geminated after a vowel.
  3. ^ ا ب پ ت ٹ After a nasal, /p/, /t/, /tʃ/, /k/ and /ts/ are replaced by their voiced counterparts [b], [d], [dʒ], [ɡ], [dz].
  4. ^ ا ب When not preceded by ⟨n⟩, ⟨z⟩ can represent either /dz/ or /ts/, according to the cases.
  5. ^ ا ب پ ت ٹ ⟨s⟩ is pronounced:
    • /s/ when geminated or when not preceded by ⟨n⟩ and followed by ⟨t⟩, a vowel or a semivowel;
    • /ʃ/ when followed by any voiceless consonant except ⟨t⟩;
    • /z/ when followed by ⟨n⟩, ⟨d⟩, ⟨r⟩ or ⟨l⟩;
    • /ʒ/ when followed by any voiced consonant except ⟨n⟩, ⟨d⟩, ⟨r⟩ or ⟨l⟩;
    • /dz/ when preceded by ⟨n⟩.
  6. If the two characters ⟨ɡ⟩ and ⟨ ⟩ do not match and if the first looks like a ⟨γ⟩, then you have an issue with your default font. See Help:IPA § Rendering issues.
  7. ^ ا ب پ The nasals always assimilate their place of articulation to that of the following consonant. Thus, the n in /nɡ/ is a velar [ŋ], and the one in /nf/~/nv/ is a labiodental [ɱ] (though for simplicity ⟨m⟩ takes its place in this list). A nasal before /b/ is always the labial [m].
  8. When not geminated nor following another consonant, /tʃ/ tends to be pronounced [ʃ].
  9. Two diphthongs, uo /wo(ː)/ and ie /je(ː)/, are always stressed, unless they are at the very end of a word.
  10. ^ ا ب Open-mid vowels /ɛ ɔ/ can only appear when the syllable is stressed.
  11. After the stressed syllable, /a e o/ change to [ə]. This sound is sometimes also found before the stressed syllable and spelled ⟨e⟩, as is fernì /fərˈni/.
  12. Vowels are long when stressed in a non-final open syllable: casa /ˈkɑːsə/ ~ cassa /ˈkassə/, or when compounds of preposition a and an article: a +’o = ô.