معاونت:بین الاقوامی اصواتی ابجدیہ برائے نارویجن

حرف صحیحs
IPA Examples قریبی اردو مثال
[[|b]] bil بیٹا
[[|ç]] kjip
[[|d]] dag ادارہ (فارسی تلفظ)
[[|ɖ]] sardin[1] ڈبہ
[[|f]] fot فائدہ
[[|ɡ]] god گیند
[[|h]] hatt ہاتھ
[[|j]] jojo یاد
[[|k]] kafé کالی
[[|l]] lake لال
[[|ɭ]] Karl[1] پنجابی گن٘جھࣇدار
[[|m]] man مالی
[[|n]] natt نہیں
[[|ɳ]] barn[1] ٹھنڈا
[[|ŋ]] ting رنگ
[[|p]] pappa پاپا
[[|r]] år[2][1] زرّہ
[[|s]] sabel صبر
[[|ʂ]] sjø, torsdag[1] شائد (تقریباً)
[[|t]] tirsdag توت (فارسی تلفظ)
[[|ʈ]] parti[1] ٹاپو
[[|v]] vaktel وقت (تقریباً)
IPA Examples Nearest English equivalent
[[|ɑ]] fast Modern RP stack; North American lot
ɑː mat bra, RP car
[[|æ]] fersk[3] trap
[[|æː]] ære[3] Australian ham
[[|ɛ]] helle[3] North American and RP set
[[|eː]] hel[3] Scottish save
[[|ɪ]] sill hill
[[|iː]] i need
[[|ɔ]] åtte RP lot; North American fort
[[|oː]] mål Scottish stove; RP law
[[|œ]] nøtt similar to Burt; German short ö
[[|øː]] dø similar to bird; German long ö
[[|ʊ]] ond put, with tight lips
[[|uː]] bot[4] fool
[[|ʉ]] full Estuary butcher
[[|ʉː]] ful[4] fuel; Australian and Estuary food, with tight lips
[[|ʏ]] nytt[4] No English equivalent; German short ü
[[|yː]] syl[4] No English equivalent; German long ü
[[|ə]] påle about
Stress and لہجے والی زبان
IPA Examples Explanation
ˈa Rana
Tone 1 / acute accent:
• Low tone in اوسلو: [ˈrɑ̀ːnɑ]
• Falling tone in western Norway: [ˈrɑ̂ːnɑ]
ˈa.ˈa rana
Tone 2 / grave accent:
• Falling-rising tone in Oslo: [ˈrɑ̂ːˈnɑ̌]
• Rising-falling tone in western Norway: [ˈrɑ̌ːˈnɑ̂]
  1. ^ ا ب پ ت ٹ ث In many of the dialects that have an apical rhotic consonant, a recursive Sandhi process of retroflexion occurs wherein clusters of /r/ and dental consonants /rd/, /rl/, /rn/, /rs/, /rt/ produce ہم مخرجی حروف صحیح realizations: [ɖ], [ɭ], [ɳ], [ʂ], [ʈ]. In dialects with a guttural R, such as Southern and Western Norwegian dialects, these are [ʁd], [ʁl], [ʁn], [ʁs], [ʁt].
  2. /r/ varies considerably in different dialects, being alveolar in some dialects and uvular in others.
  3. ^ ا ب پ ت Before /r/, the quality of non-high front vowels is changed: /eː/ and /ɛ/ lower to [æː] and [æ].
  4. ^ ا ب پ ت Vowels spelt u, o are compressed vowels. Those spelt ö/ø, y, å, on the other hand, are protruded vowels.


  • Gjert Kristoffersen (2000)، The Phonology of Norwegian، Oxford University Press، ISBN:978-0-19-823765-5
  • سانچہ:SOWL
  • Ingebjørg Skaug (2003) [First published 1996]، Norsk språklydlære med øvelser (3rd ایڈیشن)، Oslo: Cappelen Akademisk Forlag AS، ISBN:82-456-0178-0
  • Åse-Berit Strandskogen (1979)، Norsk fonetikk for utlendinger، Oslo: Gyldendal، ISBN:82-05-10107-8
  • Arne Vanvik (1979)، Norsk fonetikk، Oslo: Universitetet i Oslo، ISBN:82-990584-0-6